"Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing,
The days pass quickly when I am sewing"
~Author Unknown

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Found my needle and thread.....

...well, at least that is how it feels. I had to disappear from blogland while we went through our move to the new house. I cannot believe it has been over two months since I have been able to visit with any of you. And believe me...you were all missed! I did post about it on my other blog so, if you are curious, you can read about it there. Thank you very much to those who emailed me concerned that I was okay. It really made me feel good to know you were thinking of me. Out of sight in not necessarily out of mind. Thanks for being such great friends. Much better friends than Murphy...you know that menace from Murphy's law...who was keeping us company during our move.

I felt like I lost my needle and thread. Who knew I would not be able to thread a needle and get 'my fix' of much needed stitching for so long. I painted and cleaned by day, to exhausted by night to do anything else. Then my mother arrived to see our new house baring gifts. This one to be exact...the Santa Button Sampler by Homespun Elegance and the DMC thread too. Now where did I put those needles???

Boy, does it feel good to be back to stitching! I even tea dyed a small piece of 20 count Flemish farmer's linen for this little sampler.

I will be making rounds to visit you all in the coming weeks. Bet I missed lots of inspiring stitching and quilting and fun stories about life in general. I am looking forward to stopping by for tea and a chat.....


Joni said...

I love this design and now I want to drag it out and finally get it stitched! Nancy gives such gooood gifts, doesn't she? Did any Reese's Peanut Butter Cups come along with her or was it just an empty bag again?

barbara said...

How absolutely wonderful to hear from you again, Heidi!! :D

Sonja said...

Welkom terug in de wereld van naald en draad!

Elizabethd said...

So pleased to see you, I thought you might be overwhelmed with all that was going on with the house.

onlymehere said...

I enlarged the picture to see the pattern better and I love it! It's so cute. I do miss stitching. Someday when my job doesn't require so much reading on the computer I think my eyes can get back to it. Right now I'm wondering if I'll ever be able to retire and get to that point, lol! I'm glad to see you're back doing what you love most. I think though when Murphy left your house he came to our's! I'm trying to make him leave as we speak, lol! Do they have Thanksgiving in Holland like we do in the states? If they do, have a happy one! If not, then have a great weekend anyway!

Hazel said...

Lovely to see you back. Love your new wip. I just did some coffee dyeing. x

Sweet Sue said...

Nice to see you posting again Heidi, tea dye turned out fab, very nice start! Best wishes in your new home.

Saskia said...

Good to have you back on stitching and quilting again..!
And... Did I miss something?.. Peanut butter cups?? where?! LOL

AnitaA said...

Fijn om weer wat van je te horen, ik kwam steeds even kijken of je er weer was.
Leuk dat je weer aan het handwerken bent.
Ik heb nu zelf 2 lappen flanel in de koffie staan, ik ben benieuwd hoe dat wordt.
Groetjes Anita.

Christine said...

So good to "see" you back!
I love the little Santa sampler

Jo said...

So glad to see you back in blogland - I've missed your lovely inspiring posts!!! Hope that you are settling in well to the new house, and that you have found the pefect place to sit down and stitch xx

Margaret said...

So glad you are back blogging. Wonderful pattern and I'm so pleased your mom has been to visit.

Will email you soon.

Deborah said...

Glad that you are back. We have missed you. Hope that the house is com8ing along. Love the new WIP.

Catherine said...

So glad to see you back! I hope your are all settled in from your move.

Love your new piece!!

Anonymous said...

Oh so good to see you back into blogging. You were absolutely missed!!

Susan in SC said...

I am glad you have found time to post again. I have missed your post on this blog.

Jackie's Stitches said...

Welcome back and congratulations on your move! I've been following your progress on your other blog and you really have worked really hard. I'm happy that it's behind you and that can make happy memories in your new home.

jilly said...

I thought maybe it was the move, glad your back, you and your beautiful inspiration were missed.


DonnaTN said...

This is going to be so cute! Sometimes I feel like the harder I try to make time to stitch, the worse it gets. You'll be back in the groove in no time at all.

Barb said...

Oh I am so pleased to see a post from you this morning Heidi, I have missed you and your stitching. All good wishes for you in your new home and love the new start.

Jantine said...

I can see why you couldn't resist this sampler and glad to read you found your needles back!

Anonymous said...

I followed you on the other blog once and a while, hopefully the worst is over now.

it must be great to stitch again, back to 'normal' (well, if you find your needles).
Your livingroom and corners look great already, good luck with what needs to be done.

anneke said...

sorry it was me...

Anonymous said...

It's lovely having you back Heidi and so pleased all is going well with the new home and Mum is looking after you, love the design shehas brought you and can not wait until you show it finished.
Hope your health is okay.

Love Hazel (UK)

ohiofarmgirl said...

What a sweet gift and I love how you have so much done!!! Blessings for Thanksgiving. Dianntha

Linda said...

Sooo happy to see you back here Heidi. I've been checking your blogs each day. I was thinking you either were too pooped out to do much blogging and/or you didn't have internet service set up yet.

Linda in VA

Linda said...

Heidi, so happy to see you...I've missed you. What a darling stitch from your Mom..I know you are have a wonderful visit...Happy Thanksgiving and hugs to you both. Linda

Daniëlle said...

Must be feeling so great to be able to stitch again!! Love the patterns from Homespun Elegance, made quite a few of them but they all were a joy to stitch! Have fun stitching!

Jeanne said...

so glad you are back stitching a little Heidi and that things are beginning to calm down a bit. I have been reading your other blog too and the house is coming together - love what you've done so far. I have not been able to stitch for a month since my shoulder surgery and the recuperation is going very slowly so don't know when I can pick up needle & thread again. It's frustrating but some day it will be over. :) Blessings for the holiday season!

Pondside said...

Welcome back,Heidi!! It was so good to see your name pop up today. I love the Santa - I'm working on one from Prairie Schooler.

Mel said...

Welcome back, I used to stitch, have gotten out of practice.
You do lovely work!


Carol said...

I just bought this chart myself! Isn't is just darling? Doubt if I'll get to mine before next year, but I'll enjoy following your progress :)

Teri said...

How nice it must feel to have time to stitch again, and especially to have your Mom there with you! The Santa pattern she picked for you is lovely. Welcome back to a more normal (?) life!

Beehive Needleworks said...

Hallo Heidi...Whilst wandering about I came upon your delightful blog. And as I was reading a previous post, I was surpised to look upon a sack of Hopjes! They were always a favourite of my dearest Grandmum. She would always hide one within her ball of tatting cotton for me to find. Thank you most kindly for rekindling such a cherished memory.
Wishing you and yours a happy visit from Sinterklaas!