Well, lets look at some beautiful French geraniums instead which are on my table on the terrace.
It is so hot you want to kick off your wooden shoes and soak your feet even in our tiny tub used as a fountain. *grins* (Did you spy the little old pair of children's wooden shoes in the photo?)
But instead, I stitch looked upon by my little stitching mascot, the snail. I move at his pace with my stitching so we are the best of friends. I have been working in my worm garden. What must the worms think of all this heat?

Hi Heidi,
Your stitching is coming along nicely!
SO glad to hear you don't need "new" walls.
I have been stitching curtain valances for the new sewing room this past weekend..9 windows!! I don't have sheet rock walls up yet, but the curtains must be done! ;-)
That piece is coming along really well and is very cute. Where will you hang it. It doesn't actually go with your decor. Glad your walls might not be as bad as you thought.
I did laundry, reading and knitting. I also sorted paper to see what I still need for my scrapbook of our trip.
Love you, Mom
What a pretty stitching piece you have going on there. I cna't wait to see it finished. Sorry about your mold problem. I am glad that it is not toxic, that would be horrible! Try to stay cool!!
Susan in SC
I was going to say the the weather here in the UK is really lovely too, up until about 2 minutes ago when the heavens opened and we have a the makings of a small river running down our road!! A bit of thunder thrown in too for good measure, British weather is great, lol
Love the progress you've made on your worm garden.
I have my threads for MW and may well take you up on joining you in your slow SAL on this one.
Glad everything is drying out gradually and at least you wont have to re-plaster, still a horrible thing to have happen though!
Take care.
Your sewing is looking so pretty Heidi. I'm afraid that the heat got to me this weekend and I did very little, it was over 30C and humid too.
What great news about the mold problem being treatable! Look on the bright side, Heidi...you'll have freshly painted walls to take you into the holiday season.
Your worm garden is coming along beautifully. How large will it be when you've finished?
I did notice the children's clogs in your garden. I have a pair as well that I won at an auction recently. There is some carving on them and they have a little heel as well. I thought they were quite unique.
This weekend, I brought out my Grandmother's Flower Garden quilt which is a WIP that I haven't touched in about 3 months. I wrote about it on my blog today. It was a nice feeling to get back at it again.
hi Heidi, thanks for visiting my blog! you have a really cute one--love all the stitchery. yay Miss Read. how fun to find a fellow fan so far away from me!
I'm so glad your mold problem is not as bad as it could be! I was looking at your list of books read this year and we have similar tastes in books. I may use your list for recommendations.
It's been so hot here in France, I could hardly hold the needle.
I did get loads done though so feel quite pleased with myself.
Good morning, Heidi. That little pattern is coming along beautifully. I'm working on a heart pattern that incorporates many different animals - I should post a photo.
Glad to hear that the mould problem is not as serious as anticipated.
glad your wet walls can be repaired. asap!
our weekend was pretty relaxed in fact. Saturday was shopping for shoes with the kids and gifts for the farewells... Sunday was relaxing with a book; I just stitched a little and almost forgot to blog...
happy stitching on the worms, maybe the rabbit is out
Hi hon. Dropped by to check out Down the Garden. It is looking great. Mine is just finished. You can see it on my blog. I followed your lead and included a piece of pink fabric and pink thread as I sent it on.
Hello Heidi,
I've been away on an unplanned blogging break. It's so nice to be back though. And here you are in a new place! And very nice it is too.
It seems as though we've been having a spell of hot weather across Europe. I do hope that your wet wall problems get sorted quick.
I love the way you combine a little history into your sewing/blogging.
I share your sentiments re standing on street corners, and wish that the younger generation (some of them) had a greater appreciation of the simpler things in life. But times move on I suppose.
You always inspire me to stitch more!!! I love the saying on this piece!!
It has been scorching hot here in California. 111 last week...100 today. Melting.........
I hope that this finds you doing better. I am so sorry to hear that you have not been well. Heidi, I think of you all of the time and pray that God will embrace you in good health and good spirits.
much love and hugs,
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