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She laid out a number of them and exclaimed what a pretty little quilt this would make for her. I agreed and told her I would start sewing them together. There were 49 tiny squares in creams and beiges and reds and browns.
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I then went to my stash cupboard and found a very pretty reproduction fabric in beige and red. Just right! So I sewed it on to the blocks and took up my quilt thread and a between (the name for a quilting needle).
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Afterwards, I wrote a little label calling this quilt 'Becky's Blocks'. Becky had to go back home but her quilt is here whenever she visits me again.
Afterwards, I wrote a little label calling this quilt 'Becky's Blocks'. Becky had to go back home but her quilt is here whenever she visits me again.
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Miniature quilt or doll's quilts are so much fun to create. This one is 11 inches square. For a few more of my miniature quilts, you can look on my old blog here and here and here. I am going to go back to quilting another doll's quilt, Pollyanna's Pinwheels.
Miniature quilt or doll's quilts are so much fun to create. This one is 11 inches square. For a few more of my miniature quilts, you can look on my old blog here and here and here. I am going to go back to quilting another doll's quilt, Pollyanna's Pinwheels.
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But now to hang my laundry and drive over to my friend Sonja's house. I am giving her quilting lessons. She won guessing a chart I was doing a few weeks ago and I am taking her the prize she won which is a pair of patchwork mugs to use in her quilt studio. I hope she will like them.

But now to hang my laundry and drive over to my friend Sonja's house. I am giving her quilting lessons. She won guessing a chart I was doing a few weeks ago and I am taking her the prize she won which is a pair of patchwork mugs to use in her quilt studio. I hope she will like them.
Edit...I have removed the photos of my latest doll's quilt as I have received emails about my quilt looking similar to another blogger's quilt. This was coincidence although this simple postage stamp quilt is a quilt that many quilters make around the world. I am so sorry for the distress she felt over the similarities. I made this little quilt to work with a few others which I made previously. I based my colors by an antique Mormon quilt I have long admired as I had the others also and used the scraps I had already had cut and laying in my scrap drawer.
Good Morning Heidi - Becky's quilt is adorable, love the colors. I am sure Sonja will love her cups they a so cute.
Have a good week. -- Roberta
I hope Becky is able to see her quilt soon!
Becky's Quilt is beautiful. Love all the doll quilts. They are so fun to make them.
How nice for Becky to choose these little fabrics for a quilt and how satisfying to piece them together and make this pretty quilt just for her. I do think little dolls need quilts especially to cover their knees on chilly evenings :>)
But, hopefully, the chilly evenings will be a thing of the past soon. The clocks change here over the weekend and we can look forward to longer daylight. And longer daylight means more more comfort for pleasant sewing and quilt making, especially quilts for little dolls so, here we are back round round to the beginning :>)
Congratulations to Sonja for winning those lovely quilt patterned mugs.
Warm hugs Angela
Heidi. The little quilt is just lovely. As well as your little doll story. :)
Very nice Heidi, It reminds me to Kathie's quilt.(inspired by antique quilts) Her work is amazing!
Was Becky named in honor of our Becky? I hope so. The quilt is really cute and just too bad the doll had to go away again. Maybe a teddy bear could borrow it.
Now, I know why you are not on Skype yet, you are at Sonja's. I know she will love the mugs, and just bet you got a cup of tea in them too.
Love you, Mom
Awww how sweet are they,the dolls are very lucky to have their own quilts Heidi.
Hope your friend liked her mugs ,I am sure she will.
How very attractive. The mixture of colours is perfect.
This is a beautiful quilt for Becky :) Just love the colors she chose.
The mugs are very cute and I'm sure they will be liked...how very nice for you to give lessons too :)
Have a great week Heidi.
Beautiful colors in that quilt, I just love it! You make me want to go back to quilting again.
I find I'm drawn to doll accoutrements - and dolls' quilts are among the sweetest. I'll bet you had fun making this one!
Beautiful, beautiful just beautiful! I love this gorgeous little quilt. Perfect colours. Well done!
The tiny quilt is adorable!
Dolls are very special and the quilts that are made for them are treasures indeed. I love the story about Becky and I can just see her in your quilt studio picking out her fabris. * grins *. I hope she will be able to see her quilt soon. I just finished a dolls quilt called " Childhood Memories " for my daughter and her most beloved doll. The mugs are delightful and I hope you have a fun afternoon :)
Have a happy day, hugs from California!
Nu al klaar! Wat een schatje is het geworden. Nu weer een UFO? :)
Succes, groetjes en hugs, Elly
Oh that's so pretty, Heidi!
What an adorable little quilt!
This one is my favorite. I was thinking the other day I would like to get back to quilting and I love these mini quilts. Linda
Hoi Heidi,
oooh wat een prachtig quiltje heeft Becky gemaakt, zo lief. En die mokjes zijn ook al zo schattig, daar heb je vast iemand heel blij meegemaakt.
Fijne dag,groetjes Ingrid.
Wow I am always amazed by quilts. I can't do them and think you need a very exact with the cutting and sewing - something I am not too good at. Maybe one day, I will take a course. Lovely mugs too. x
Hallo Heidi,
Ik las je reactie op mijn moeders weblog. jookieshandwerken.web-log.nl.
Je schreef dat Lahja en Dagi wel tweeling konden zijn! Het lijkt me erg leuk om foto's van je kat te zien, helemaal omdat je ze niet vaak tegenkomt. Is jouw Dagi ook een Lilac tabby mackerel?
Waar komt Dagi vandaan? Hoe oud is hij/zij?
Als je het leuk vindt, mag je me wel mailen. zwennekejosh@hotmail.com.
Groetjes, Zwenneke
(de dochter van Joke en trotse eigenaar van 1 Europese korthaar, 2 Bengalen en 2 Mandarins/Javanesen/Oosters (half)langharen ;)
I wish I had come over sooner so I could see your quilt - I did not know anyone had a copyright on a postage stamp quilt design though.
oh well - the story and mugs are just adorable!
Hi Heidi,
I can't suppress a big, tired sigh ... such a pity I can't see your doll quilt now. There are things I don't understand, don't we all love to show what we've made? Without 'but's ... just enjoy each other's work? I wouldn't mind it one bit when other people would ... well, you know what I mean.
Anyway, have a nice day & hugs,
I really love the mugs very much!!!
Thanks again. And thanks fot teaching me how to quitl!!!
What a pitty you had to remove your Becky's quilt. I don't understand this part of the quilterworld.
So Heidi, who is this so called expert Quilter who thinks she owns pattern made by quilters for years. Does she think she "designed" postage stamp quilts? She better think again. They have been around for years and I just bet she hasn't been. She needs to get a life.
You are nuts to remove your pictures because of some flake.
I love you, Mom
Rats! I'd love to see this sweet little quilt....I know it's lovely.
What fun mugs....hugs, Linda
Here is America, as I assume everywhere else, there are hundreds
of quilt designs that have been passed down generation to generation. Anyone can stitch any design! Sounds like someone has her panties in a wad!
It's a shame that you removed your quilt pictures, Heidi. I'd have loved to see them. Quilt patterns have been around for ages and unless the other person has a copyrighted design and you've copied it precisely, you did not do anything wrong. You are perfectly in your right to make your own quilt.
Hallo Heidi!
Wat ben ik blij dat ik je mooie quiltje alsnog heb mogen bewonderen vanmiddag. Het was weer erg gezellig! American Hug, Sofia ♥
I'm sorry I missed Becky's quilt. Postage stamp quilts are all over the internet as are many other patterns. I agree totally with Shiobhan that you have the right to post your photos!
I received your package Tuesday while I was sick. It was the absolute highlight of my day. Thank you! I will use it and think of you each time!
I am sorry you felt the need to remove your photo's. I would love to see them. There isn't much new in the quilt world, just variations!!♥
Hi Heidi, I love the mugs Sonja won and can imagine you both drinking tea from them. I am sorry I missed seeing your doll quilt and cannot understand the other "quilter" getting annoyed,it has already been said these little quilts have been around for ever. I can only say you have always been so generous in sharing your ideas with everyone and I am sure she must have copied some of your wonderful ideas, I know I have had.
Love Hazel (UK)
I'm so sorry to have missed Becky's quilt. Geez, one bad apple just spoiled my day! Guess that's what I get for not reading your blog every day! Sonja's mugs are just adorable and I'll bet the tea will taste so much better because the mugs are so darn cute! Have a good one and tell Becky I said "hello" and that I adore her quilt (sight unseen!!!).
Well, Heidi,
I am truly astounded. If people are so worried that others might make things similar to theirs then should they not keep them under cover and not put them on display on the open forum of a blog.. Aren't craft and needlework blogs meant for us to share the enjoyment of our skills or are they just meant for us only to visit and heap praises on the stitcher.
I could understand it if this was someone's specific design and you had copied it but to make a small doll quilt and give so many people pleasure with your little story does not constitute violating copyright.
I think someone's ego is a little bit overinflated.
I had to laugh when I saw the verification letters I had to put in to register this message.
I will tell you them in our group...haha!
Warm hugs Angela
I'm sorry I missed Becky's quilt. I'm sorry for all the drama you had too. I've not been around too much due to my life being nuts but hopefully will be able to stop by more now.
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