Nice thing come in small packages... Who ever came up with that saying should have been a quilter, right? Doll quilts are small but very nice to make and to enjoy afterwards. So what does one do when they just made two and needs to start quilting them? Why, you start on a third one, of course? *grins* I cannot seem to get enough of these little beauties lately so here in the start to the Strawberry Fields Quiltalong.
Mary over at QuiltHollow was very bad (*wink*) and emailed me to ask if I read
Lori at HumbleQuils blog. She started a Quiltalong for a doll quilt. I popped over on the link Mary gave me and was hooked. So here is the start to my autumn version of her little quilt...

I decided it was time to go back to my beloved autumn shades again after my pinks and then blues. Speaking of blues, I used the random generator and comment 7 is the winner...

...and that person is Sonja. Congratulations Sonja! I will be getting your prize ready for the next time I see you. Hope it is soon!
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Sonja. I know you will make good use of this little bag. Next, you too will be making doll quilts and little bags. Heidi has you hooked now. LOL You should join Heidi's quilt group, they are all super nice ladies.
I just can't wait to start them myself! But that will have to wait until next Wednesday, I am going away for a few days and have a girl turning 13 too. Love your colors!
At least I have plenty of squares in the required sizes, so when time arrives, I can start straight away!
Congratulations Sonja!
Heidi your new quilt blocks are gorgeous
Joepie! I am really happy with the little blue bag!!
Thank you very much!!
And I think it will be a good place to keep my quilting yarn and needles (yes, I do like the handquilting and will have to start to buy thread and needles)
And thank you for infecting me with the quiltvirus. LOL!
Have a nice weekend!
Congratulations Sonja!
Your new miniature quilt is gorgeous. Love the colors
Congratulations Sonja on winning the little blue bag, and for catching the quilting virus...grins... Quilting is such a wonderful hobby and one I am so thankful to have. Quilts bring so much joy and warmth not only to the maker but to all who come in contact with them. Even years later they are still spreading the joy :). Heidi I love your new start to your latest doll quilt. The blocks are beautiful as always. Thanks for sharing them with us. Have a good weekend.
Congrats Sonja!! I love the start on your next doll quilt, Heidi! :)
I knew you would start it! :-) Hugs dear friend.
Oh....and I remember Queen's Day fondly.
Congratulations, Sonja. Psssst. Did anyone ever tell Sonja that there is no cure for the quilt virus? Guess it's too late now, huh? *wink*
Have fun at the cottage this weekend, Heidi. I hope you get a lot of hand quilting done. The blocks for your new doll quilt are gorgeous, BTW.
Have fun with the quilt along your blocks are cute. I have not stopped by in awhile I will have to go back into some of your older posts and see what you have been up to.
Congratulations to Sonja! I think that 3 doll quilts only add up to about 1/2 of a regular quilt so you still need to do at least 3 more!
I love your little blocks! You really have a great talent for fabric selection. I always love what you pick. Thank you for the link to the blog for the tutorial.
Those blocks are so tiny! I can't imagine working with such little pieces. It's going to be another beautiful quilt.
Congratulations to Sonja , and yst another lovely top almost done Heidi.
Enjoy your weekend
Too, too sweet! I love anything miniature.
Tiny = irresistible. :D
Enjoy a lovely weekend!!
Love those dear little blocks...look forward to seeing everything together!
Hello Heidi,
I have to catch up in blogland (had my exams last Thursday and was busybusybusy) and my, you made such a nice bag! Congratulations Sonja!!!
Your blogs are so sweet ...
Have a nice weekend! Hugs, Carolien
Yes, your blogs are nice of course ;))), but I meant: blocks ... Tralala! (Lost some brains last week, I guess ...)
Wat een schattige blokjes heb je weer gemaakt, ik ben benieuwd hoe het uiteindelijk gaat worden.
Groetjes Anita.
you have a lot to show again! love the bag and the little blocks already.
Wat een leuke blokjes heb je gemaakt. Hoe groot zijn ze? Je hebt een goede productie! Zelf schiet ik niet zo hard op. Eerst te veel van het mooie weer genoten en nu een dipje vanwege al die regen! Het is ook nooit goed he?
Groetjes en hugs
Big congratulations to Sonja on her win!! I'm sure she will treasure it :-)
your little blocks are so cute~!~ i happen to be participating in the strawberry fields quiltalong too and have really enjoyed making these small sweet blocks. i'm hand stitching mine so they're taking a bit longer to do but am getting close now. i expect to be seriously pondering a setting fabric by the weekend . . .
so pleased to have discovered your charming blog and will definately visit again.
The thought that comes to mind here, Heidi is that you can never have too many quilts especially doll 's quilts. Yours are all so different. They could almost be tiny prototypes to base a larger quilt design on.
I can see an inventory sampler for a dolls house in my mind..... Linen cupboard:
Quilts - ? (only you cab fill that in...haha)
congratulations to Sonja for winning that lovely little friendship bag :-)
Angela xx
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