The weekend has past and that means some gardening. I even gardened on location as we had our Sip 'N Stitch at Harmien's house on Saturday. It was great fun to chat, drink tea, eat chocolate cake and special Italian sandwiches known from the city she lives in, have show and tell, stitch, drink more tea and eat more chocolate cake. *grins* I made her a project ditty bag with a patchwork block on it. How cute is her cat Kisse modeling it for her!
Now normally, I would warn you not to forget to water your gardens on a warm June weekend but as I write this post, the garden angels are doing it for me. It is raining here in Holland so the watering can can stay in its place and just look beautiful.

I feel like I did not make much progress (first progress photo link here) this weekend with my worm (Nobody Loves Me) garden. But when this rain stops, I have a watering can to keep my stitched garden looking beautiful.
Oh wat een mooie foto's Heidi. Heerlijk een nieuwe start!! Ik blijf je hier natuurlijk ook volgen...
ooo super!!!
Love that pattern - and there will be lots of worms in the garden after the rain!
Saturday sounds like a nice gathering....I like the stitching bag for your friend and it looks like Kisse has eyes for it too:). hugs, Linda
I found you and this is a wonderful new blog!! Cindy
We had rain last night here in Eastern Ontario so my gardens will be happy for a day or two, depending on how long the sun stays out from behind the clouds.
Your stitching is gorgeous as always and I'm in total envy.
Are you growing worms???? That piece is coming along so cute. I love the patch you put on that bag, and boy is that cat cute. I don't know how you managed to leave it there. LOL. She might have noticed if you tried to get it out of the house. The chocolate cake sounds yummy, and I have had the famous sandwiches so I know they are good too.
Love you, Mom
Wanted to let you know I've found you Heidi. I'll change my sidebar.
Saturday was a wonderful day!!!
What a shiny new site!
It feels good to be here,
Love that Eat Worms pattern. You are making great progress on this one. And you are stitching it at a perfect time of year.
I've put this new blog in my Favorites!
And yes, Zippy is a fun visitor. I call him Zippy. My husband calls him Chippy. Actually on Saturday - there were two of them out there! The one knows my voice - the other one hides.
Linda in VA
Hoi hoi, ik heb je gevonden! Kisse was me voor, zie ik...LOL! Maar ja, wat wil je, dat tasje is ook zo superleuk!! Dank je wel!!! Zó leuk dat jullie er zaterdag waren, dat doen we gauw weer!
Your worms-project is getting along pretty well! That cat looks a little 'chagrijnig' she thought your bag was not her size?('lapjeskat' is female?) She couldn't fit in to look inside LOL.
Oh, this weather!! Don't get me going! But I'm glad you've got your watering can all at the ready for when the rain stops. ;) Great progress. And I do love that sweet bag you made for Harmien!
Oh, this weather!! Don't get me going! But I'm glad you've got your watering can all at the ready for when the rain stops. ;) Great progress. And I do love that sweet bag you made for Harmien!
I did not know that blogs can get full! I will be happily following you along here now. A perfectly apt sampler to work while it's raining!
That little bag is so clever, and Kisse matches it too. :D
Have fun with the "new slate."
Blogspot was acting strange for the last couple of days.
Hi @ your new blog:)
Your new blog looks great, Heidi! So does your bag and the cat :)
Hugs, Carolien
The little project bag you made is darling and that kitty is posing very nicely for the photo. Your stitching is so beautiful Heidi - such an inspiration. I'm taking a cross stitch class from Stacy Nash and look forward to learning a few tips as I dip my toe into yet another hobby, lol.
Hugs - karen
I love the cat photo! Such a pretty bag too.
Hi Heidi!!
Just love your new blog!!
I`ve told you before - you are so creative!!
The only way I am creative - is making marzipan cakes, gardening - and some other stuff...
These days I think I am turning mad - the work and everyday living just tears me apart. Seriously thinking about having a year off work - go make my (the family`s life) easier and perhaps I can feel that I breathe again.
these three weeks - I have had four meetings during evening - every week!!
Leaving work at 15.30 - running to the shops - making dinner at home, wash some clothes, trying to be mum - and then - svosj - off to a meeting again...at home about 22.00 - and with no energy left - trying to be mum and wife againg...
I cant live like this.
So as you probably understand - my time on blog is a tiny tiny moment just before bedtime...
But now - London is coming up - and then - going to the cottage in the mountains. Walking on the mountain, painting windows, redwine during evening...
But how are YOU.
Hugs from Tone
I found you, I found you! Wonderful new blog!
ik heb je gevonden! en gelijk genoten van een nieuw kerstornament.
dank je wel.
fijn weekend
Ohhhhhhhh Heidi I just loveeeeeeeee your nobody loves me garden! I can't tell you how many warm memories that brings back too me! thanks Linda
What a nice project bag for Harmien, I love it. And a very nice progress picture of your worm-project, lol.
What a lovely new blog. Good luck with it.
Your worms stitching is coming along beautifully.
I'm afraid I do have to give you a little telling off...haha! Since reading your last comment on your worms stitching and following the link to the video clip, the worm song has been going round and round...and round in my head. I just cannot stop singing it and I have to say, I am driving everyone batty...haha!
Please tell me another song to sing :>)
Warm hugs Angela
What a super new blog, love all the projects you featured so far. Can not believe all the stichings finished you have so far this year, that is amazing!
Happy to find you here at your new place, Heidi...and see some new needlework--lovely! Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))
Heidi..I found your new blog and have put it in my Google reader..
It looks lovely!
Hi" Welcome to your new profile - in Dutch, no less!!
What happened with the old one? You said it reached capacity. Do you know how that works? Is it that Blogger only allows a certain amount of server space per user name? I'm just wondering as I have a few blogs in different languages (that I usually neglect, but if I do post, it's essentially duplicating a lot of pix etc) and am now thinking that putting them all in one would be the best move... I'm only at 4% of my capacity, according to the photo upload screen, so it's by no means an immediate issue, but I am curious. Also, what sort of size photo files do you upload? Are we talking less than 100kb, or those huge, full-sized files?
Thanks, hun!
Lieve Heidi, wat een mooie start van je nieuwe blog! Zal hem gauw aanpassen om je op de voet blijven te volgen. En quaker stijl, (slaak een lieve zucht) ben er helemaal dol op! Ben druk aan het verzamelen, lees ik het nu goed dat je er een hele serie van gaat maken voor de herfst?? Heerlijk inspirerend was het weer om alles te lezen en je hebt nog een blog daar ga ik nu even naar toe hoppen, liefs Cin x
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