My limp...remember the last blog entry? More about that later but what about that excitement? Well, there is lots of that going around...

Look who came to my house today! *wink*

I finally had a birthday. Remember I mentioned that my mother canceled it (it was really in February) until I got the present she sent to me? Well, it can no longer be avoided...I turned *6* now. *grins*

And look at the wonderful gift she and my step father gave me!

I am really excited to start on this design but am going to try and get some other things done first. How long will I last? I wonder if some of my blogging friends will be taking bets?

I did frame my last finish. I cannot wait for Jos to get home tonight. After dinner, I want him to help me hang With My Needle.

The frame is from a brocante shop in the north of Holland. I just thought it was so perfect for this sampler but was not the right size. So again I ducked into my stash cupboard and used a piece of reproduction fabric and a little piece of vintage lace.

I am so pleased with how it turned out as it has only added to the old sampler look. Thank you all for your sweet comment about my 'mistake' with my Abigail sampler. I too feel like she must have been marking her initial.

More excitement was had this past Sunday as I went to the hobby market with three other ladies. There were many wonderful stands from shops and webshops there. I am afraid I did not take a single photo as I was too busy buying some goodies...

Funnily enough, Saskia and I both were on the same wave length as she showed up at my house with goody bags for us while I had made fobs for the ladies. I laughed and said it was Christmas.

She gave us chocolate for a sugar burst of energy, a pen and notepad to write out all our ideas and some roses bath cream for our tired bodies after all that shopping.

And, just when I think I cannot stand any more excitement, I started a new quilt project today. I joined an online group belonging to author and designer Kathleen Tracy. She has set a challenge to make a doll's quilt no larger than 30 inches using the double pinwheel block in 4 inches. I am using pinks and browns and want to incorporate a pretty strip of fabric I had saved for 'one day'. I love making doll's quilts and have a stack of them on my shelves in the laundry room. I am happily taking on the challenge for another!

Tomorrow will be the excitement of seeing all the completed second blocks from Leanne's house as my quilt group will be here for our monthly evening. My own Heidi's House is coming along nicely and I have some fun ideas planned for the third block.