I have a good deal to show you in my next few posts. I have wanted first to respond to the caring comments and emails over the last blog entry. I deeply considered at the urgence of a few of my online friends to put the photos back on. I was going to but on further consideration have decided to just leave it so. I truly am sorry that this other blogger seemed to feel she needed to go at me about copying her. I have emailed her a couple of times in response and she now knows that it is a coincidence and I cannot link her to my blog as my inspiration as she wants when it is not true. Not a reflection of her but I just don't even read her blog. A postage stamp quilt is something that can only be done without much variation.
I really loved this tiny quilt when it was finished. For this reason, I feel the need to keep it to myself now instead of bringing out more problems. It is a simple tiny little thing that I am already using to decorate with in my laundry room. Perhaps Becky will come back again to visit one day and see the little quilt named after her. But in the meantime, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind words and comforting thoughts. You are the reason I blog not the odd person who is not gracious. You mean so much to me and I wanted to take this opportunity again to say that as it cannot be said enough.

Recently, I got a box in the mail from my friend Joni (no blog) who spoiled me with lots of goodies. I cannot share them all with you as much is eaten now by Jos and I. *grins* She stitched me two things one of which I am saving to share with you in the autumn. She knows it is my favorite season and made me a really beautiful banner. You will see it in time.

She also made me this sweet pincushion pillow which says 'Bedankt'. It is the Dutch word for thank you. She looked it up and stitched this to thank us for her visit here in Holland two years ago. I just love it and am touched by how thoughtful it was of her to make this. I have kept it out on my table as you see. Now it is resting against an olive jar filled with white dwarf hyacinths. I love the fabric she used for the backing. Thank you so much Joni!

And now for my latest start...

Remember this chart and fabric my mother sent me for my birthday?
Jeanne emailed me when she saw that I received it as she has had it kitted up and ready to start. She thought it would be fun to do a little SAL so we started it on last Wednesday. She started hers with the top edge which you can see here. I started mine in the center.

Now I must tell you I was reading the verse and immediately my mind drifted to Emily Bronte. I could see her walking the moors as I read it. I was pulling the DMC thread for the chart and did not feel right about using the yellow for the dress. I am not a yellow person and it would not go with my samplers on my sampler wall. But I felt like this was Emily and she needed a dress in the color of the heather on the moors. As you can imagine, I was so totally engrossed with my thoughts of her that I pulled one of my novels about the Bronte Sisters to start reading. There have been a few released lately and more coming out soon. Yippee!

Then I decided to see if the newest version of Wuthering Heights was online to watch. My English mum had told me a couple of years ago that they were filming it. I had not seen it yet. By this time, I had stitch the face and hair. I was thinking it looked more like a ghostly Cathy than Emily with the very pale yellow for her face. *wink* And speaking of Cathy! If you have not seen that version of the film, you are in for a treat. That Tom Hardy playing Heathcliff should be arrested for being so darn good looking that we ALL want to be Cathy. *grins*

Now if you are still with after all these scattered thoughts, I went to
Carolien's house yesterday to say happy birthday and she ended up spoiling me with these wonderful gifts for my birthday. She is busy taking a course so we were not able to get together last month. Thank you so much Carolien! And it was fun to meet your uncle. What a nice man he is and great to talk to. And now I can picture the three little ones you care for after having seen them.
Okay, I hope this is all over with the person who thinks she is a great designer. What a joke, quilting was out before she was born and so were postage stamp quilts. She must have a big ego to even THINK you would want to copy her. Have you ever even SEEN her blog? I know I haven't. I love it that she lost one who did visit her over this.
Now, I love what you are doing with the lady. Her color change is perfect for you. Hummmmm, wonder if the designer will come out of the woodwork, She is a REAL designer. LOL.
Your gift from Carolien is really nice. She knows how much you love sissors.
I hope Becky does come back to visit you really soon. The quilt was such a cute little thing. Your quilt group will all see it and that is good.
Love you, Mom
I am loving Emily or Cathy or whoever you finally decide she is. The colors you chose are fabulous, as usual!! Bedankt again for being so sweet about the pincushion pillow. Geez, Heidi, you made me blush. Now, I've an idea. Why don't you post a pic of the postage stamp quilt on the group site so I can see it. You know I will just die of curiosity now that a controversy is involved. Gosh, I do love a good controversy. Hugs and love to you!
You are such a sweetie. Reading Edgar's blog recently it seems there is more than one bad blogger about. Sheesh I thought I was an insecure person. Love the new start and the colours you chose for her dress. What a beautiful gift from Joni. xx
What a pity Heidi, that you have had unpleasantness. We all know how similar quilts can look, especially the tiny ones.
Your cross stitch is going to be superb, the pattern is inspiring.
I like your progress on 'With my needle', interesting to see it in a different color! Mine is golden. I love this sampler so much!
Heidi what a person you have had to deal with.You seem such a lovely person and inspire so many (me included big time).
Love that new lady ,the book looks interesting too .I must admit I am more of a Jane Austen fan but I do love Jane Eyre so I guess just a sucker for period things.
Keep smiling hun we think you are brilliant.
What I love about visiting your blog (as well as many other things, of course) is the wonderful variety of news, pictures and literary bon mots ( I'm sure I've used that in the wrong context but it expresses very well what I mean ) that i find everytime i pop in. here we are with a pretty interpretation of this lovely design - and i really do love the heathery colours, thoughts on Emily and a picture of a tantalizing new book full of mystery and intrigue :>)
I love the fabric you are stitching WMN on and can't wait to see your progress. is it 32 count or 36?
Wow your little pillow from Joni is gorgeous. I love that one simple word which i am sure captures in it much more than the word thanks. It really is pretty and your birthday gifts from Carolien are lovely too :>)
Angela xx
Your new start is very pretty. I don't much care for yellow either, but your heathery colours are beautiful.
You've recieved some lovely gifts too.
What a shame that the other blogger made you feel you needed to remove the pictures of your dear little dolls quilt
Gosh darn...I missed the previous post so missed the photo of said quilt. Can you email it to me? I'm so curious now to see just what quilt you are referring. People are jealous and say ugly things...I'm glad this did not detour you from the blog world.
Hello Heidi, your little lady is coming really nice. I'm sorry to read of the "Becky" quilt. Wish you would replace your pictures, and let the rest fall where it may.
Dear Heidi,
You are such a special person and you willingly share your thoughts and ideas with all of us on a regular basis. I truly look forward to reading your blog, and you inspire me every time. Becky's Blocks was one of my favorite posts and I feel so sorry that all this misunderstanding happened. That little quilt was so precious, the postage stamp pattern being one of my favorites, and I know you will treasure it always. I hope Becky will come back to visit you :). Your sampler is beautiful as always, I love the color change. Wuthering Heights is my favorite novel of the Bronte sisters. The gifts from Carolien are delightful, and the little pillow is beyond precious. Thanks for taking the time to make me smile every day!
Hugs from California!!!!
Hi Heidi,
Well, it is me who has to thank YOU! Thank you so much for coming yesterday, that was really sweet! And fun! You spoiled me again ... The time talking together and with ome Daan was precious to me, I'm sure he will say the same :)
I will post about it later on my blog, I am just popping in now before jumping into my bed. Tomorrow EHBO-day from 8.45-17.00!
That pincushion is beautiful and so is the lady you are making.
Take care & big hugs & till later,
Oh Heidi I'm so sorry this happened and how silly for this person to react in this way....life is too short to be so angry and jealous.
I don't recall you stating in any way that the quilt was YOUR original design but you innocently stated that you sewed some square scraps together for a doll quilt...yikes!
Please don't waste your time thinking about this person.
I say put the pictures back up, not in spite but for others to be inspired by and admire your fine work.
Your new stitching project looks wonderful!
Hugs to you dear friend and I look forward to your next post and those afterward to come.
Heidi, I am so sorry about the conflict you have had with another quilter/blogger. I am so sorry I did not get to see your quilt, I'm sure it is as beautiful as all the others you have made. I think the changes you are making on the lady will be lovely. I haven't done much stitching, as I am still at loose ends about what to do with myself. Maybe when the snow and rainy season end, and Spring finally arrives things will look much brighter for us.
I love the colors you've chosen for With My Needle. I'm looking forward to seeing both of you progress through the project. It's even more interesting since you both started in different spots.
Hopefully everything with the postage stamp quilt will die down quickly. I hope you're enjoying it as I'm sure it's quite beautiful.
I think it shows the character of a person in how they react in difficult situations. Instead of being mean-spirited and jealous, the lady might have been flattered to think that someone saw something she had done and admired it enough to do the same thing. Knowing how creative you are, I can easily imagine you playing with your little fabric scraps and deciding to make a postage stamp quilt. Is there a patent on common quilt designs? This is as crazy as the idea that you can't change colors in cross stitch designs to suit your personal tastes!
Hi Heidi - I missed all of this - but feel quite miffed that someone would have taken a run at you, who are so generous and helpful and always so very forthcoming with ideas and suggestions. I hope you'll be able to shake of any traces of the unpleasantness - don't let any of it cling to your sweet self!
Love the sampler you started.
By reading the first comments on your last entry, I was so curious about how the little quilt would look.
It's crazy that someone claims to have designed such a pattern!
have a nice weekend
I'm so sorry that your joy was tarnished by someone so mean-spirited. I was able to see your teensy quilt before you removed the pictures and am amazed that you can sew, much less quilt something so tiny and delicate. I loved it!!!
I missed the drama over the quilt comments. What a PITA. I did see the pics before you removed it and it was GORGEOUS. I wish I had the talent to quilt, especially the darling wee ones. But it seems I sprout extra fingers (all pointing in the wrong direction, and all far too large, LOL) whenever I attempt anything very refined. Sigh.
Your color changes to this wonderful design are gorgeous. Having seen your home, I know how utterly perfect she's going to look.
You take care of yourself and don't let any turkeys out there get you down, okay? Doctor Barb's orders.
Lovely and thoughtful gifts from Carolien, Heidi. It is obvious that your friends are indeed close ones.
I loved that chart that your Mom sent you for your birthday when you first showed it to us. If ever I purchase the pattern, I will think of yours as I stitch mine.
I hope that the perpetrator's ego has shrunk back after she was made to realize how silly her accusations really were. The unfortunate thing about the entire incident is the hurt and grief that you endured as a result.
Hopefully we'll all be able to see Becky's little quilt again in a future post and in a new setting.
Hugs to you my friend.
Well I'm glad I got to see Becky's quilt before you removed the photos. We both know that the majority of quilt patterns are traditional ones that are not copyrighted anyway - especially postage-stamp quilts. What a shame Heidi but not worth worrying over. Love your start on WMN and how you are personalizing her to remind you of Cathy & Emily! I have a dreadful cold but hope to make some progress on mine today and watch some old movies.
Heidi, I am glad that you are able to still treasure your little quilt with the knowledge of the love, skill, and thought that went into YOUR creation. I hope that as time passes that you won't think of somebody trying to claim ownership of a well known quilt block design but instead of how much your love and talent with needle and thread inspire everybody who reads your blog.
Your WMN GH design looks great! I love what Joni did for you, too.
Heidi, I always love looking at your beautiful work. How sad I am that I cannot see the postage stamp quilt. I will respect your decision not to re-post the picture but I would like for you think of something. This lady, who has given you such grief, is a cyber bully. You cannot give into bullying. I am sorry you had to endure such a nasty thing. Just something to think about!! Love your new pictures.
Oh my goodness - how can someone alive in 2010 even imagine she is the original postage stamp quilter? She should 'get a life' and let the rest of us get on with ours.
Lovely gifts for a lovely lady. You deserve all these pretty things Heidi.
Adore the start on your lady. Your color substitutions are so you. Looking forward to progress pictures.
hugs, Margaret
Mmmmm. wat een gedoe met je kleine quiltje. Dat zijn dingen die ik toch moeilijk vind om onder woorden te brengen in een andere taal ;-). Ik had het graag gezien. En eerlijk gezegd word ik hier heel nieuwsgierig van. Wie het is die het jou zo moeilijk maakt, maar je hebt gelijk dat je er niet te veel ophef van wilt maken. Geniet er maar van.
Vergeet ik het nog te vragen. Wat betekent eigenlijk SAL. Ik ken veel afkortingen maar bij deze tast ik in het duister!
Ha Heidi
leuk om weer even op je blog te zijn.
wat ben je weer prachtig aan het borduren. en wat een leuk kado om te krijgen dat kussentje!!!
Ik heb je verhaal geprobeerd te volgen hoor maar dat kost me wel wat moeite
25 jaar geleden voor het laatst engels op school dus neem me maar niet kwalijk!
Ik bekijk je prachtige handwerk wel.
Bedankt voor je lieve berichtje bij ,mij en ik wens jou een heel fijn paasweekend.
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