"Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing,
The days pass quickly when I am sewing"
~Author Unknown

Friday, July 24, 2009

Summer days...

...are days that can be spent doing things like sailing the ocean blue...

This block is a Dutch sailboat called a "botter". I am making these for our Dutch block swap which is the next step after having made these for a group in America. We decided that we wanted to swap the Dutch blocks we made previously with each other. If you want to see more about this swap, just click here and here. We will be receiving each others blocks during the September quilt evening.

...among the stars in the summer sky...

Centennial Star block for my Centennial Sampler quilt.

...or being in the company of friends...

My latest progress photo of the 10 Virgins. I still feel like this is going slowly but have two new "friends" completed to join me while I stitch farther.

...sitting in the garden doing hand patchwork...

My quilt friend Saskia came last week for an afternoon in my garden working on our Centennial Sampler blocks and having goodies and dinner. I completed a pink and brown Churn Dash block and she the Grandmother's Fan.

...but so much activity sometimes leaves me seeing double!...

I only discovered afterwards that I had already sewn a Churn Dash block so now I have to make an extra block for the correct amount for my sampler. I will use one of these on the back for my quilt lable.

I hope you are enjoying your summer days with a needle and thread!

Fisherman's giveaway quilt fabric winner is...Hazel. Enjoy the fabric!


Nancy said...

That little boat is really cute. All you ladies can just sailllllllll away.
The virgins are coming along really well. Will you be stitching them this weekend again.
I haven't tried knitting or chrocheting yet, but I will soon. I am feeling good today.
Love you, Mom

Linda said...

Your sailboat block is so neat...makes be long for the coast....have a happy weekend. Hugs, Linda

Tammy said...

OK how did I miss the Centennial Sampler book?! I LOVE your blocks and will have to stop reading your blog because you get me interested in too many other projects! ;-)
The botter is very nice and the exchange is a wonderful idea!
Your stitching is coming along nicely also Heidi

anneke said...

Love the 'botter'. Last year I had a little trip on a botter. It was great. The swap is a cute idea.

Caroline said...

I love the idea of the exchange! The botter is gorgeous!
I am knitting a seaside throw at the moment with blocks with little boats, somehow they really say summer to me...

Tanya Marie said...

Love the boat, Heidi!!! Awesome.

Susan in SC said...

Heidi - I so enjoy looking at your lovely quilt blocks that you make. The boat is just adorable. How my boys would love a quilt made that way. Soon you will have all the virgins finished and they can have a quilt party! LOL!!

Lynne said...

The 'botter' is lovely. I haven't seen a block quite like it before. Good idea to use the extra churn dash as a label.

mainely stitching said...

Oh, I love that boat!! And the other quilt squares are also lovely - but there's just something extra-charming about little boats. :)

angelasweby said...

Wow Heidi,
What a lot you have achieved. The little boat is so so sweet, I love it. I'm really getting into a nautical mood at the moment :>) The centennial block is lovely, my favourite colours and the giggly girls are coming along a treat. Congratulations on your progress.
Warm hugs Angela

Kaaren said...

Exchanging blocks is a wonderful idea. I love swapping with other bloggers from around the world. Have a look at my latest post, Heidi and you will see some wonderful creations that I received from Mai in Holland.

The blocks that you made are wonderful and your stitching is coming along nicely as well.

Have a great weekend!

Saskia said...

We wern't drunk right? So how did we missed the double block??
you looked through all the blocks we made??..
I had a realy nice afternoon, loved sitting with you and work on my blocks.
I have 4 projects I have to finish, and I hope 2 of them are finished by the end of the year...
See you soon.

Brigitta said...

Looove that pink square for your centennial quilt

onlymehere said...

Heidi, you do such beautiful work. Love the boat and the rest. How fun to have a stitching buddy come over!

Anonymous said...

Your work is beautiful!
Das ist gut!
I will be dropping in from time to time!
God Bless!

Berglind said...

Hello again Heidi. Nice to read your new blog, I love it! And I love your quilt blocks, the boat is so cute! It's good to hear from you again, take care, Berglind