Is anyone else out there in blogland working on finishing up any of your handwork goals set for 2009? I am pleased to say that I finished another of my quilt UFOs just in the nick of time. And I am thrilled with the results too.

Each year in July, we hold a Christmas in July evening for my quilt group. I try to give them a project to inspire them to get started on handmade gifts for the upcoming holiday. A number of years ago, I had the ladies bring in scraps of neutral fabrics. They sewed a patchwork top that evening choosing one of three sizes. I then gave them a challenge to decorate the patchwork using applique or any other technique they choose. I had to sew the three sample sizes and finished one immediately for my mother with a snowman which I unfortunately do not have any photos of. The second is partially done and is still on my UFO list. But I was suddenly inspired to work on this one as a way to use some of my vintage handmade lace I purchased in Brugge, Belgium. It was the perfect way to display this lace and give a winter feel to my home. I am calling this quilt Winter Lace.

The laces were double edged which made them perfect to 'quilt' onto the seams of the patchwork.

A few thank you's needing said for the ornaments I received as gifts in the mail. Ria sent me a cute little primitive wooden angel and Donna sent me a glass ornament in the shape of a toadstool. Thank you both for your thoughtfulness and these will become a treasured part of our Christmas tree.

I am satisfied with my goals achieved this year. I did get a good deal finished in spite of being sick most of this year. I find setting goals works well for me. It encourages and challenges me but I am also able to let go of my goals if they become unachievable. Do you set handwork goals each year? Have you been able to achieve many of the things you had on your list for 2009? Have you created a new list of goals for 2010?

And now for a little giveaway for the end of this year. Remember the coasters I had been making to give away in the name of stash reduction? I have 10 pieces of fabrics from various coasters leftover. They are scraps that I could place in my own scrap box but I thought it would be fun to share them with someone else. They are small pieces but work well for scrap projects or backing ornaments. This packet of fabrics would work well for quilters or stitchers alike. Just leave me a comment telling me about our goals achieved and those you hope to achieve on this post. I will choose a winner this weekend.

In the meantime, I wish you a very Happy New Year!
Hi Heidi, I just blogged about my to do list for the next time. Especially for you I looked back in my blog to see what my resolutions were (not specific goals). I think I succeeded in about half the resolutions I made. The last month I bought new patterns and I shouldn't have... I have blogged more in English and I have a little more finish-finishes. But it's difficult to hold you to your resolutions...
Your last finish is great. The experimenting part makes it different.
Have a nice NewYears eve!
This year sewing has had to take a back seat to so much else that was going on in my life so I didn't accomplish near what I wanted to, or it took me forever to finish it (as you well know, wink..wink). I'll have more time next year and hope to finish some things and not start as much! My quilting lady takes about 6-9 months to get quilts back to me so I should be sewing on bindings within the near future! She's really good but it takes so long to get things back that I do dream about a long-arm machine a lot!
I try to avoid setting too many goals because I'm terrible at keeping them. Last New Year I tried to set myself a stitching rota. It lasted about a week :(
one of my goals for 2009 was to use up stash fabric. I did make a good dent in it, even with buying new fabric and bringing home a lot of my Moms fabric.
sewing goal for 2010 is to make a scrap quilt for all of my children, of course the married ones have to share a quilt though.
Heidi - the cross stitch on your new header is so sweet looking! so is the neutral quilt and that mushroom is too cute
I did manage to get a couple of big projects was my Beatrix Potter Sampler and I was pleased to have it done before Christmas. I seem to remember going on a stash diet...but that didn't last long. I'll try again for the coming year (although I am cheating just a bit by taking advantage of some of the great after Christmas sales at a few ONS!)My main goal is to try and stitch a little bit every really does do my heart and soul good.
Good Girl! I am proud of you, never saw this UFO in your house. Unfortunately I'm not able to finish my hexagonquilt so that will be my first finished object in 2010.
Happy New Year, hugs and groetjes
I usually avoid resolutions since I usually forget them a few months into the year, but here goes: One of my goals for the new year is to begin quilting again (after being without a working sewing machine for about 8 years). I would also like to have enough finishes to start a "sampler wall". BTW, your finishes are lovely and so are the fabrics!
Your Winter Lace project is just beautiful. I pictured you using a piece or two of lace and am delighted to see the lace used in the entire quilt, it is just perfect! You squeezed another finish in!!! : )
Prachtig, dat oude kant!!
"Out with the old, in with the new", is mijn motto. Laat 2010 maar beginnen en om het vast te vieren heb ik een naaimachine aangeschaft!! De eerste fröbelwerkjes zijn in de maak! Een fijne avond morgen, Heidi, en een héél gelukkig Nieuwjaar!!!
I love the quilt you made now and the ornaments are very cute. I was so busy knitting this year, and I am finishing a sweater for my Sister as her Christmas gift. I haven't seen her yet so may still get it finished. I made four ponchos last minute, special orders. If I don't get my Sisters sweater finished by the time I see her, she will get to see the parts I did complete and a promise. LOL.
Love you, Mom
I will soon be able to get back to my warrior.
Your Winter Lace quilt is just beautiful! You are so creative! I have never set any stitch goals for myself. Maybe I should then I might actually finish some ufo's and wip's so that I can start new pieces without the guilt!
PS I'm glad the ornament made it in one piece and that you like it. I didn't know there were "real" toadstools like it until I read your blog!
Winter Lace is beautiful and named exactly the right name! I do not have a to do list because there are too many things to list. Perhaps I need to 'clean and declutter' before I start a 'to do' list. I am still behind 7 ornaments of yours that I want to make. I need to prioritize my wants and wishes! Happy New Year!
ooo just beautifull!!!
Heidi, hi :>)
I adore your beautiful lace edged quilt. It's such a wonderful way of using this handmade delicate lace and the neutral colours just add to the elegance. I am not at all surprised that you are finishing things even as the dimming light of 2009 slowly begins to extinguish. You managed to achieve so much in a year where you have not have the best of health. I hope that the new year will bring with it good health and contentment.
I started off the year with lots of goals but sadly, was overtaken by a personal and very sad bereavement which put everything on hold. Next year I will be satisfied with stitching for myself and my sister and hopefully doing some SAL's with friends. Also I hope to realise some much longed for projects one of which will be the Beatrix Potter sampler but most of all, I would really like to keep closer in touch with friends. I've realised this year how special they are.
Heidi, thanks so much for setting up another giveaway. They have been such fun. I have my eye on the pretty green fabric right on the top which matches the gorgeous coasters I won so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
Lots of warm wishes. Angela xx
Heidi, I was working on my 2010 goals at work today (subbing for our receptionist, who is on vacation) and I think I have some doable goals. I did not set any last year.
I love that you are incorporating the old, vintage lace in your work. I collect it and have found some that I want to use and your idea for a small quilt is lovely.
Please include me in your drawing.
Wishing you a very happy new year Heidi!!
The quilt is so gentle. Good Work!!
Dear Heidi, It was great to visit you this last year! I wish you a happy 2010 with lots of creativity and lots of new visits!
Lovely 'Winter Lace', truly unique!
Now if there's something I never have enough of it's scraps of good
fabric to finish my smalls!
Thanks for the giveaway and please
add me to the growing list....
Happy New Year!
Hallo Heidi
Gezellige jaarwisseling en een voorspoedig 2010.
Your winter lace quilt is so delicate looking Heidi and what a unique way of using the lace.
Please include me in the draw.
Happy, Healthy New Year to you and Jos.
Love Hazel (UK)
Hallo Heidi, nog net op de valreep wil ik jou een fijne jaarwisseling wensen. Heel veel vriendschap, liefde en een goede gezondheid voor 2010!
I was just putting together my goals for 2010 whe I saw your blog post. "I've got to enter this" I said. Soooo...
in 2009 I was pleasently surprised at how many of my goals I met or exceeded. Guess I need to set a higher standard for 2010. So far I need to start some stash reduction and learning some finishing techniques (hint hint! Those fabbies would make great backs for the 14 unfinished ornies I made in 2009).
Heres to a safe and prosperous new year!
Heidi, your quilt is beautiful! Very wintery--perfect for this time of year! Personally, I don't make handwork goals. I do write out lists, which change often, of things I'd like to stitch, but I don't follow the list per se. I guess I figure that there is enough that I have to do, and my stitching is something I view as a reward/treat.
Happy 2010!
The only goal I had for 2009 was keeping up with my SAL. Well I managed that!
And for the next year I wish it to be a year full of crafting. And I plan to start to become a quiltgirl!
Wishing you a HAPPY NEW YEAR! (your newyears eve is already over, but I am still looking forward to it in Vegas) (and yes, we did get to see the Bellagio and the Venetian today, thank you Jos)
I like that delicate new quilt of yours, Heidi! So very you with the lace part as well. It's gorgeous!
Hugs, Carolien
Heidi, As one of my departed friends used to say "If the Lord's willing and the creek does not rise" I plan to master free motion quilting and finish some of the many projects underway. Also, plan to get rid of a lot of fabric as so much is overwhelming me at this time in my life. Have a Blessed New Year and keep stitching! Rowena in Texas
Unfortunately I never did set any goals for myself this year and well, I guess I achieved exactly that :( The year flew by with so much busyness, I don't even really know what it is I've accomplished.
My goals this year would be to organize my sewing room (for the umpteenth time) and keep it organized, finish up some quilting projects I've started and actually begin a To Do list and following through on the list.
Happy New Year!
Winter Lace - what a great name for this beauty. The lace addition is just the hightlight of this quilt. The projects you give your quilt group to work on are so lovely, it's a pity that I don't live in your city.
I always set stitching goals. It's one of the fun parts at the beginning of every new year. Digging out old UFOs, kitting up new projects, browsing my stash - what can be better.
Your list of sewing and stitching finishes is considerable. I hope that you will have a great time sewing and stitching in 2010 again. Wishing you a Happy New Year and a better health in 2010.
Lovely, Heidi. I love the lace!!
I have a little more finish-finishes. But it's difficult to hold you to your resolutions...
Work from home India
Hi Heidi! Your quilt is so lovely and delicate! I'm working on one more UFO to be finished this year, and then I've made a list of projects in "relative" order of importance to make for 2011. No doubt there will be more to pop up during the year, but I would like to stick to a plan this time, so I can see more finishes within a bit of a shorter time.
I wish you a very happy and healthy new year with lots of creativity and laughter along the way!
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