Yes, it is almost the big day! Sinterklaas comes to everyone's house and leaves a gift behind tomorrow evening. Well, actually he has already been to my house with the help of the Baker Piet. Right Piet??? *grins*

I can now show you the last motif I stitched for Sinterklaas en reveal the little quilt top I made with them. It is the year of the charm quilt for our quilt group. I am trying to keep to that theme this year so I have used a different fabric for each of the log cabin blocks and the rail fence blocks across the top. There are 62 different fabrics in this little quilt measuring 10 inches by 14 inches.

The extra design is a sweet little
freebie from Anneke's blog. I knew when she shared this on her blog that I had to add the Sint's steamboat to the rest of the blocks. Thanks Anneke! It is just perfect with the others.
And you may think steamboat? Yes, no reindeer for the Dutch St. Nicolaas. He arrives from Spain mid November by steamboat with his white horse. He rides across the rooftops helped by not his elves but his helpers Zwarte Pieten (black Peters). The gifts are left on the eve of December 5th, lowered from the rooftops in a burlap bag.

This will be the last sets of coasters to be given away as the next giveaway will be a charm pack of the fabrics I have used. It will be a fun thing to use for quilters or stitchers alike.

Here is the first set...

...and the second. Just leave a comment on this blog entry to be eligible for the drawing. If you don't have a blog, you must be willing to give me your email address in order for me to contact you about your win. Good luck to everyone!
For everyone here in Holland.....Een fijne Sinterklaas feest toegewenst!
Hi Heidi,wat is dat leuk geworden,een echte Sinterpietkerstquilt.Wat een woord,ter plekke verzonnen ga je deze ook verloten???????? dan hou ik mij aanbevolen.
knuffel joke.
the stitched quilt is beautiful! You have done a great job on it!!!
I would love another chance at the giveaway. Thanks so much
Wat een gezellig decemberquiltje! moet nu snel nog even een rijm bij mijn suprise maken, groetjes Heleen
Gorgeous quilting!
I so enjoyed reading about your tradition. Years ago I visited a friend who was working in Amsterdam. It was in mid-November and I got to learn about the Dutch tradtion and even brought a "Black Pete" home with me to add to my Christmas collection. :)
I would love to be included in your giveaway. The coasters are just lovely.
Merry Christmas to you and yours.
Hi Heidi,
Your charm quilt is well, just charming! It looks really lovely like this! That log cabin is perfect with it. Great fun, such an original quilting theme ... You know you are very Dutch now? No way back! ;)
Have a very nice and cosy Sinterklaasavond & hugs,
I remember very well tradition of The Netherlands and Christmas...truly missed. I already won a gorgeous set of your coasters but did want to say Happy Holidays to you!!
Dag Heidi
De borduurseltjes zijn schattig geworden en dat dankzij een inpakpapiertje! Wat een moed om 62 stofjes tevoorschijn te halen om het tot dit leuke quiltje te maken.
Hugs en groetjes, Elly
Jammer dat je er niet bij kon zijn, Heidi!! Ik hoop dat je lekker bent opgeknapt en dat we in het nieuwe jaar weer eens bij elkaar kunnen komen!!! Ik hou me aanbevolen voor zo'n setje prachtige onderzettertjes!! Fijn Sinterklaasweekend!!
What an adorable Sint/Piet quilt - I love it!!
We sure missed you yesterday and I hope you are feeling a bit better now.
Have a fun day tomorrow.
What a delightful Sinterklas Quilt. You really put a lot of thoughts into it - 62 different colors WOW!!
Would you please enter me into the draw for the coasters. Those blue ones would look so lovely in my little blue house.
Heidi, your quilt is wonderful. You have captured the story of Sinterklaas perfectly. I love the log cabin design and this quilt with all the little peices and lovely color is so pretty and festive looking. Enjoy tomorrow...hugs, Linda
Hi Heidi,
Happy Sint! Your crafts are very cute.
Love, Bull
That came out sooooo cute. I love it. I think you are one clever little elf. I put a Happy Sint entry on my blog also for you and my Dutch friends. Hope they see it.
Love you, and have a wonderful day.
Hugs, Mom
Heidi - I love the little quilt! So, so adorable!
Hi Heidi, your quilt looks really good. Your talents are amazing.
Happy Holidays
Love Becky (your favorite sister in law. lol)
What a wonderful little quilt to celebrate such a delightful custom!
I would love to win your giveaway! The coasters are lovely!
Your quilt is just beautiful, and I enjoyed learning about your Christmas traditions.
Please enter me for the giveaway for your lovely coasters
Wat een leuke quilt is het geworden!
Fijne Sinterklaas en ik hou me aanbevolen voor zo'n leuk setje onderzetters.
The little quilt turned out so cute. what a speedy stitcher you are. Please put me in the drawing for your last set of coaster. thank you.
The quilt is especially pretty, Heidi - well done!
Sinterklaas will sneak up to our daughter's apartment this evening to leave a book and chocolate hanging on her door.
Wow Heidi :>)
What a fantastic quilt you've created from the little motifs off the wrapping paper - there's inspiration everywhere if you have the little twinkle in the eye that sees it and you definitely have :>) I absolutely adore the Christmassy fabrics that you made up the log cabin with especially the lovely berries and holly leaves fabric third in on the right of the little boat piece, and talking of little boats, that is such a pretty little design.
Hugs Angela
Though the Sint left fewer gifts than in years past, our kids had a great evening. :D We're all so glad the good holy man will follow us to America next December! :D
WONDERFUL quilt you've created, Heidi. You have talent enough for a dozen people!
A real Sinterklaas quilt. Cute, and the boat is perfect with it.
Happy christmasdecorationday today, I did most of the decoration yesterday. So I can go back to my study assenments on sunday.
See you soon
Oh Heidi, this is a wonderful little quilt. I just love the combination of your stitched squares and the different Christmas fabrics. I wish I had just a tiny little bit of your creativity.
Our Nikolaus comes today and they will organize a sort of Nikolaus market this afternoon on the market place of our town.
Awesome Sint quilt, Heidi.
Did he leave you a wonderful gift as a reward for all your hard work?
What a gorgeous quilt, Heidi! It must be so fulfilling to see the work of art you created with your own two hands. :)
Wat ziet dat er gezellig uit Heidi!
Schattig Sintquiltje! En nu op naar de kerst,heb je er al zin in?
What a gorgeous little quilt Heidi!
Just adorable!
Happy Sint Day!
That is a gorgeous little quilt, I really can not believe what a fast stitcher you are!!!
Hope your tooth is not troubling you anymore and that you had a lovely Sinterklaas.
Hello Holland Heidi, I love making log cabin quilt blocks and the cross stitch in center makes them even more ado-able as granddaughter used to say before she could say her r's. Love, love the quilt. You do stitch fast - do you sleep? Oh, how I would like to win one of your givaways. Isn't my daughter's new blog wonderful? Have a blessed week. Rowena or RoRo
G'day Heidi! What a lovely way to display your mini stitchy goodness. Finding ispiration from wrapping paper really shows your creativity.
Wat is dat quiltje mooi geworden!!! En al die verschillende stofjes, echt heel mooi. Ik hoop nog veel van je te leren. Liefs Son
The quilt is stunning and I would love to have a chance to win at your giveaway. xx
hallo heidi,ik kwam je kerstboom bewonderen...maar ik ben toch nog te vroeg?
Sterkte met je gezondheid,hoop dat je je gauw weer beter voelt!
Very cute coasters Heidi! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I always enjoy the visits :-)
Enig geworden.
Wat veel verschillende lapjes, mooi.
En ja de stoomboot kon niet missen hé !!;-)
Ze zouden dit eens moeten weten bij de A. waar het papier vandaan is hé.
heidi, wat een leuk resultaat heb je gemaakt met je borduurseltjes! de borduurseltjes zelf zijn ook leuk geworden (het papier ligt hier ook apart...) en stiekem ben ik wel trots op het bootje dat meevaart.
OOO beautifull!!
ooh wat een mooi quiltje, heb je het partoon te koop?
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