...but it is more fun to do my projects. I have been stitching today but more about that in my next post. Then I decided to do a fun project that I thought up over Christmas.

I found this wooden sign on sale in a garden center just before Christmas. I could see right away what I could do with it as a quilter.

So I pulled 5 fabrics from my stash cupboard. I was honestly thinking about the dark chocolate, strawberry filled Leonidas (bonbons) that I soooooo love while I was doing this one. *wink*

Traced the heart onto a sheet of paper and then measured and made an inch smaller version of the heart.

Then I drew 5 sections on the paper to create a crazy quilt heart.

This is a heart?

Yes, just trim it half way between the two lines.

Cut out a heart shape in a piece of cardboard and glue a piece of quilt batting to it.

Then glue the heart onto the cardboard. Make a large cup of tea as you have to take a break and let the glue dry.

Glue the heart to the wooden sign and then glue trim around the edge to finish it off.

And suddenly a plain wooden sign becomes a fun quilted hanger.

I always say a quilt is only really finished when it has a label. But when
I finished this quilt back in December, I did not get the label made. So I thought I really had to get it finished. I use small scraps of muslin for my labels. Even if they are a bit small, they work if I use pinking sheers to finish the edges. They are fun to sew on the back of the quilt with a contrasting color in a primitive quilt stitch. I often use calligraphy to write my labels and then draw something fitting to the quilt.

I am searching for a set of fine tipped permanent markers as my set is drying out. Does anyone know where I can order some?

For this label, I drew some snowflakes and was thinking of many of you in America who are getting hit with another snow storm today. You can send the snow here if you would like! I would love to share. *grins*
In the meantime...my ironing still awaits!
Omigosh... I'm the first! I'm so excited that I almost forgot what I wanted to comment on! Love the heart and I'll gladly send you some snow. We are due for up to 18inches more starting later today and into tomorrow. I've heard several different things about not doing ironing. One is "don't worry about it because it will still be there when you get round to it" and the other is a marvelous whimsical thing about leaving it for the ironing fairies.
This is infinitely more enjoyable than ironing :>) I love the way you can see potential in every little thing. That pretty wooden sign was just begging to be embellished and what a pretty crazy heart quilt you chose for it.
I love your labels too, they not only add the final touch but they play their part in creating a little piece of needlework history.
Angela xx
I made it home last night on Amtrak and the snow is falling again on Ohio. I had to make it work from NY to Ohio without endangering my family who had to drive to get me there and then to get me home. You can have this SNOW.
I was talking to you while you were fighting the glue gun. Glad you mastered it, but then, I knew you would. The heart came out oh so cute. Great job as always.
The quilt label is very nice.
Now tell that mailman to get your birthday gift delivered.
I put Pres. Garfield on as my next Ohioian.
Love you, Mom
You are so clever Heidi...what a cute heart!!
Your quilt labels are wonderful too!!
No snow here yet but it's on the way :)
from the soon to be Oma :)
What a great idea!!! You are so creative. I just finished my ironing so I could visit you. No snow here... just rainy and cold. Jan
En hebben de fairy's inmiddels het strijkwerk gedaan? Was het een zware beslissing om ipv strijken te gaan quilten....LOL
En niet teveel sneeuw naar hier halen hoor... net genoeg voor de tuin is oké, maar niet op de weg!!
Wat is het een schattig hartje geworden!
What a lovely idea, and so attractive too. Clever you!
I am glad I'm not the only one postponing the ironing ...
Your heart is very nice, so cheerful!
Good night & hugs, Carolien
What a great idea for the heart ornament. It looks fantastic
You know my adress, right? Valentine...
The leonidas strawberry chocolats, is that you wish for your birthday? A big present for a 6 year old!
Ilove your wooden quilted heart Heidi, reminds of the small heart pillows we made in your quilt studio, mine is sitting on my dresser along with my other hearts hanging on my little tree. Hope you get the snow you want.
Hugs, Hazel (UK)
Schattig!! En ach die strijk wacht wel...
What a sweet Heart very nice finish, I like that you use a mixed meduim for your project, you can have all the snow you want, I live in west central Minnesota, is spring out there somewhere? I hope so.
Stay safe Catherine.
Love it!!! Great idea :)
What an adorable heart! Your finish is wonderful!
What a cute idea! Neat use of fabric and I may have to steal this idea! Very creative...
You are so creative, Heidi! That's a great project, and so "you"!! :D
You're so clever! I would have never thought of what you did.
Your handwriting is just gorgeous! Your labels are such a special touch.
You are just so amazingly inventive! The heart sign is terrific. I wish I could envision something and actually be able to have come out the way I "see" it in my mind.
Heidi, Heidi, you've got to be careful what you wish for!!! It's snowing again up here and I'm NOT happy with that at all!!!!
Love you heart, it's soooo beautiful!
Well Heidi, it's snowing in Rucphen! Almost couldn't get Pelle to the bus this morning, but with a bit of will power...
Your quilt heart turned out so lovely! You have the best ideas.
Good luck with the ironing I should be working, but I can hear my niece's birth sampler calling. Oops!
That's very pretty!
Hoi Heidi,
ooh je hart is geweldig mooi geworden, ach dat strijken ligt hier ook nog te wachten maar het is zoveel leuker om te handwerken.
Vind je label ook erg mooi gemaakt, fijne dag nog,groetjes Ingrid.
O wat een leuk idee Heidi! Ik heb zo'n hart gekregen van Sinterklaas/dochter en ik vind'm enig, maar met zo'n crazy-hart erop is hij nóg veel leuker, bedankt!!!
What a neat project, Heidi! Congrats on an adorable finish. Much better than ironing... unless it's ironing quilt fabrics. ;)
Do you put your labels on before quilting the quilt or after? I've been thinking I should start labeling mine. I'll keep my eye out for permanent markers but I honestly haven't looked for any yet for quilting. I love how creative and cute this heart turned out!
This is such a lovely heart. And so creatively assembled. Thanks for the great tutorial.
O Heidi, this is lovely. I will join for a cup of tea and leave the patchworking to you...
Wat een mooi HARTelijk welkoms ornament. Goed idee!
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