Those of you who read my blog regularly know that I am trying to keep to a stash diet with my quilting and stitching for three years now. I have done well really with only a couple of lapses. It is nice to look in my stash cupboard and appreciate all the beautiful fabrics I have purchased over the years. I got so addicted to buying all the new collections. The problem was they are all wonderful and you get to where you cannot stop buying. You develop a blurred vision when it comes to your other fabrics. But now I am actually seeing space develop in my cupboard and it feels great! On the other hand, my stacks of finished quilts are growing.
Making do with what you have gives me a feeling of being connected to those needlewomen of the past. It goes back to a time when women did not have the luxury of going to a quilt shop to purchase fabrics for their next quilt. It goes back to a time when a scrap bag was a very real and true treasure among a woman's belongings. So in the spirit of those women comes this little project.

If you used to read my previous blog, you will have seen
this medallion quilt which I made when I did the medallion life quilts for my quilt group theme in 2008. While sewing the delectable mountains border, I saved the cut ends of the strips. They have a tiny triangle sewn onto the end of the strip. I am cutting off the end to create a tiny 1-1/2 inch square which I will be sewing together to create a little doll's quilt. Stay posted to see how it is progressing.

I am also pulling fabrics I have long had in my stash to create various doll's quilts. My latest one will be using these fabrics. I want to create another one that looks very faded and old. I am working on getting my fabric combination to give me an old and scrappy look without there being much color variation. These little block are only 4 inches and once again part of the Little Quilts challenge from
Kathleen Tracy's yahoo list. After I complete another 4 stars, I will decide what setting to use for the blocks and how many more will be needed. I am not sure if I want to use the stars in straight sets or on point as you see in the photo.

Regardless, I am enjoying every moment of the patchwork and spending the day in my studio. Making do is a great way to spend a day!
That is just soooo pretty Heidi, good idea to go on a stash wagon but 3 years!!!ooohhh no I do not think I would manage that one!!
Love the colours you use you have the "eye".
You will have to get the music out again soon you did make me smile with your last comment to me.
Gosh darn keep making the cutest little quilts! You have a keen eye for color and fabric!!
Oh this one is really really really cute. Oh did I remember to say REALLY?
LOL. I love the pattern, very nice. Have fun with it, and just remember, you OWE your brother a quilt. You cannot go back on your word, cause Miss Pickles the Elf would not do that.
Love you, Mom
Oh Heidi this next little quilt is going to be so precious. The colors you chose are beautiful as always and the pattern works well with them. I have always loved the idea of the scrap bag that women of the past have used. I think it would be so much fun to actually have a peek at all those vintage fabrics :). Have a happy Monday working on your little quilt.
Too cute. Love it!
I love these fabrics and fabric combination!
I agree its great to see the piles of fabric in the closet get smaller.
what a lovely combination: love what you're doing ánd getting wonderful projects done. I hope to get more time in a few months, then I have to learn to 'give' myself permisson to take more time to create stuff.
Wat een schatje wordt dat weer. En hoe gaat het verder met je medaillonquilt? Ik hoop dat hij voor Christmas in July klaar is!
Groetjes en hugs
I agree that it's a great way to spend a day. I just did purchase backing and border fabric for a quilt I've had all the fabric for for a couple of years. I'm excited to get going on it and finish it up. I'm also working on a name quilt for Bailee. Oh, to have more hours in the day! Your medallion quilt is gorgeous. I had to pop on over and see it! You have beautiful talent and an eye for putting the perfect fabrics together!
I love seeing how you play with colors! You always come up with such beautiful combinations!
It's going to be stunning, Heidi. I love the soft, subtle colors.
Thanks also for linking back to your medallion quilt. You posted that before I began blogging so I would have missed it. It's absolutely gorgeous.
I love the fabrics and pattern you've picked from your stash. I can see that you're getting the exact effect that you wanted.
Three years of using your stash. You must have had some stash there! You should take pics of that wonderful closet full of goodies!
Those colors look old indeed and very pretty. Love the star blocks, you can see the joy you have sewing them!
I love the combination of blues and browns in your newest quilt, its going to be lovely
Ben benieuwd wat je van de restjes van de medaillonquilt gaat maken. En de blauw-bruine combinatie is mooi gekozen!
Wat een schattige kleine blokjes en die kleurtjes, helemaal top hoor !
Ik ben heel benieuwd hoe je ze uiteindelijk aan elkaar gaat zetten.
I love what you've done so far, Heidi! The colors are beautiful. Good for you for sticking to your stash as much as you can.
You said that so well. Very admirable and lovely too.
Oooooh, what a lovely fabrics you use for this quilt! (You know me and blue ;) Have fun with your stars :)))
Hugs, Carolien
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