Last night was our monthly quilt evening. We missed Saskia who is home sick (hope you are feeling a bit better today Saskia) but it was great fun to see everyone's blocks up to now. Most of us have the first row completed but the excitement is seeing the personal changes some of us are making.

So here is Heidi's House! It is coming out with a nicely faded pink and brown look. I am changing blocks from now on to give my quilt a personal touch with the exception of the middle block. That saying is just so perfect. But even though I might have made you curious, you will have to wait two months for that one. *grins*

Want to take a closer look?

First I stitched the beautiful garden gate that Jos bought for me. You can read about my garden on one of my old blogs

Giving hugs is one of my favorite pastimes. So it only seemed fitting that I substitute the word spring for hugs.

And how could a personal quilt not include
my precious Dagi? Well, he is taking pride of place with this appliqued block.
Enjoy a slideshow of the members blocks up to now...
Oh my, these quilts are just beautiful. These ladies all do such wonderful work. Every one is different and so much their own.
I love Dagi and the gate. What a neat change to make it so you.
Glad you had a good evening.
Love you, Mom
Definitely a five star rating.
Oh Heidi, it is so lovely, what pretty understated colours you are using.
Hello Heidi,
Your new block is lovely. Dagi is so beautiful, he must be very proud to be included in this quilt ...
It's funny to see all the differences in 'the same-quilts'. I am curious to see the next round!
Since you like hugs: big hugs from our place to yours! :)))
Groetjes, Carolien
Oh my goodness, these quilts are really beautiful. All of you are doing beautiful work....thank you for sharing. Heidi, I love the iron gate ( it reminds of one of my favorite childhood books The Secret Garden :) ) and of course you must include Dagi, after all he helps with all your projects right? My kitty Patchie loves to sample my quilts but she is particularly fond of DMC floss LOL. She is laying here next to me now in her favorite sun patch watching the birds. I hope you have a happy day stitching!
Hugs from California!
You let me wait AAALLLL day for the photo's!!
Do you know what that does to some-one who feels sick??...
I had pity on myself for not be able to be there last evening.
But I think it was another fun evening. And the results are so great. I realy love it, that everyone makes it there own special house quilt.
So, what are you gona do with the gardengate? are you taking it to the new house?
Hope to see you soon
Your sticherie is so cute. And I must admit that now for the first time I took a better look at your gate. The times I went to see you, I didn't take that much time to look at your gate, because I was in a hurry to meet you and chat and stitch with you. LOL!
(I will have to get my computer started to take a look at your slide show later)
Love the colors of your quilt and how you are making it your own - very nice.
Spring has sprung here in Middle Georgia and my daffodils and tulips are all abloom.
Happy Spring!!
Heidi, your quilt is just lovely, the colours are beautiful and also your stitchery. Your header photo is so nice and I also like that you are adding your own personal touch to your quilt. I have slowly got the confidence to do that now. Your work is wonderful and I really enjoy seeing the fabrics you use and how you put them together...Ann ~ Australia
I love the colours you are using for your quilt Heidi, just my sort of colour way :-)
You are all doing such beautiful work and i'm so jealous because i can't sew!
Love, love, love it Heidi. The colors are so pretty and so you. It is wonderful how you are making this yours with Dagi, the gate etc.
hugs, Margaret
Heidi you are in a very talented group...wonderful show and share today!!
Oh gosh, Heidi, your quilt is GORGEOUS. You are just way too talented, you know?
I love how you are personalizing your quilt! It makes is all the more special.
It's great seeing how all the quilts are becoming more personalized! All the baskets of flowers, beautiful work! Missed the photo's from Saskia's House!
This BOM is a great way to quilt a bit every month now that the gardening season is in full swing!
Thanks for all the prep work that you do!
Take care,
Wat een goed idee om je blokken te verpersoonlijken, daar hou ik wel van! En de kleuren zijn schitterend!
This is going to be such a beauty! I love the colours.
I just love all the different interpretations of the same pattern. Great job, everyone! And I especially like how you are personalizing yours, Heidi. Your present home will be immortalized in this quilt.
Will you be able to take the garden gate with you when you move? It's gorgeous and makes for the perfect entry into your 'secret garden'. I just love the courtyard effect that you've created and it looks very private.
I can't wait til next month to see everyone's progression.
Beautiful quilts!
Yours is truly special, with all the very personal touches and the lovely muted colours.
I am so enjoying seeing the quilts from your group! Thank you so much for sharing all the photos!
Such beautiful quilts. I especially like the block witth the cat
Oh my!! Everything you and your group made is just so beautiful. I love the colour choices you made for your blocks. And your motifs are so well found and created.
I really like how you've combined your stitching/embroidery with the quilting. The first quilt I ever made the blocks were embroidered. I made it for my hope chest before I was married (been married almost 28 years now). Mom surprised me for my wedding and had it quilted for me. I don't like the choice of blue they used for the main color so I don't display it but I used it as a bedspread for quite a few years before packing it away! I'm so jealous of these fun groups of friends that you have who get together to stitch and quilt!
Love the diversity of the quilt + the personal touches. I'm curious about the next blocks.
good luck with everything regarding the new house...
Wow wow wow!! Beautiful work. I love how you've personalized the quilt, and the fabrics--gorgeous!
Hoi Heidi,
oooh wat mooi, de kleuren vind ik ook prachtig zo bij elkaar. Ik hoop ooit ook nog eens zoiets te gaan maken maar ben nu weer in de ban van het borduren.
Fijne zondag nog,groetjes Ingrid.
What a great start of this quilt, I can't wait to see more.
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