The meaning of happiness? Finishing a quilt, of course.

Back in December,
I mentioned this UFO (unfinished object) that I decided I wanted to finish. I had the stitching done and patchwork sewn together in time for the holidays but then decided I would rather spend time hand quilting this than rushing it finished by machine quilting it.

You see, I really enjoy hand quilting. I find it so relaxing and soothing. I love seeing a quilt come to life as my needle gathers through the layers.

I took my time, enjoying each and every stitch! The results are very pleasing to me and I now have a new quilt to look forward to using next Christmas.

A quilt is never finished until the label is sewn on. Another step in the quilting process that is great fun to me is naming my quilts (I call this one The Meaning of Christmas) and making a label for them. I could do this as a career that is how much I love creating labels. *grins* They are always done freehand, letting my inspiration work itself out on the fabric.
Speaking of fabric...this is an extra special quilt since it is done with the fabric I bought at my friend's quilt shop. She passed away and I think of her when I see this series of homespun fabrics.
Off to grab another quilt UFO to work on.....
Heidi, you've done a wonderful job stitching and piecing and now with the quilting. It's just beautiful and even more special since it's done with the fabric from your friend's shop. Also, very nice label. It's too pretty to only bring out for Christmas, though!
It turned out lovely, I remember seeing it a while ago. I have handquilted a bit myself and enjoyed it a lot, but it still waits for the final threads...
Special quilt full of memories...was well worth finishing.
You've done a wonderful job on your quilt. All that embroidery must have taken a long time. It's beautiful!
That's so beautiful, and I love that you can think of your friend every time you see the fabric. The ways we stay alive in each other's hearts ....
Such a pretty quilt, well worth the time you spent on hand stitching it
Very pretty quilt Heidi! I know this quilt is special to you.
This is beautiful and must mean a lot to you after buying the fabric at your friends shop.
Hope life is running smoothly for you and Jos now.
Hugs and Crosses,
Wonderful quilt, Heidi! The embroidery is beautiful.
What lovely memories are sewn into that pretty quilt.
Heidi, Your quilt is just lovely. The stitching in every block is beautiful and of course your hand quilting is perfect. I too love to hand quilt and even though I don't finish as many quilts the pleasure I receive more then makes up for the quanity. I am very sentimental, so remembering your friend by this quilt is really a beautiful thing to do. To me the memories that go along with your quilt make it even more of a treasure. Have a happy day stitching my friend...hugs from CA.
It's a beautiful finish. The embroidery is so pretty.
Lovely quilt, lovely memories for you.
Congratulations on your finish of the Christmas Wish quilt. Love the fabrics that you used for the surrounding blocks. Just perfect.
And your hand quilting of this beauty is icing on the cake.
It is simply beautiful Heidi. You are such a talented lady and all are made by your hands are treasures.
The sun has just put his hat on after being awol for a while. Little crocus are in bud and daffodils are making a valiant effort to grow. Oh soon will be spring Hurrah! We may have more snow yet though lol.
Take care my friend
Barb x
Absolutely gorgeous Heidi. Maybe one day I'll actually finish a quilt!! What a lovely way to remember a dear friend too.
That is lovely Heidi. What a beautiful piece you have stitched, pieced and quilted.
Oh I love your label. I still havent mastered doing labels for my quilts. One day soon.
Well done!!! And in time for Christmas too. Just another 5 days... Do you want me to bring my sewing machine or my hand quilting? What else should I bring...
Beautiful finish! I'm always inspired by all you do, and how well you do it!
I love the new/old Christmas quilt. what a wonderful addition it will be to your Christmas decorations.
Your Christmas quilt is lovely. Your hand quilting makes it even more special. I love the names and labels you create for your quilts.
Your quilt is beautiful! And the hearts in your other blog also!
Thinking of you today!!
What a special, special quilt, Heidi! It is just beautiful :)
I like your quilt Heidi !It'is simple, beautiful and full of memories !
Another lovely quilt, Heidi. Too bad you have to wait until the end of the year to use it.
Heidi, that is lovely! Your label is fantastic, too. ;)
It came out so nice and Kosha (sp) is smiling down on you I'm sure.
Love you, Mom
How beautiful...and seeing the Hope block was just what I needed this morning. Thanks for your kind words and for visiting my blog. Dianntha
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