That is where I will be this weekend. We have some major catching up to do in the garden at Cranberry Cottage so it will be a nice spring weekend here and we plan to use the time pruning and clearing things up.

But I am also gardening indoors with my crochet flower afghan. I have lately become totally addicted to crocheting these flowers. While my afghan has big and blousy flowers, I started some small ones using
this tutorial for a shawl. They are so much smaller and it is fun to make both sizes.

I am using a very fine yarn which I think will give this shawl a chic look for wearing out to a restaurant on a summer's eve.

This weekend, I am going to try and crochet many more flowers for the afghan and will show you my progress next week. I have a great incentive to finish as I have already bought yarn to make an African flower hexagon afghan next.

Can you tell I have become totally hooked on crochet??? so much so that I joined the CAL (crochet a long) at
The Flower Bed. They are all so inspiring there!
I promise a quilt-y and stitch-y post later this weekend. I am very busy with a couple of projects and want to share them with you.....
Have a great and creative weekend!
You are such a busy and creative lady!
I can't wait either. :-) In fact, I'm going to get some more yarn for my African Flower afghan/bedspread (? haven't decided!) as soon as the store opens! I decided I want a more rainbow effect ~ as soon as I've got one made from each color, I'll show & tell over at the flower bed. :-)
Lovely crocheting! Such beautiful and delicate crocheted flowers. Wish that I had your talent!
Have a great weekend and ... haak ze! ;)
Groetjes, Carolien
Have a great time in your flower gardens - with trowel and with crochet hook!
One clever and inspiring lady you are I wish I was half as clever. Love the "new and absorbing hobby"
enjoy your time in the garden.
Oh have certainly taken to this new craft like a duck to are doing a beautiful job and I can certainly understand the addiction since I share it too. I love your flowers both big and small and I hope you have a wonderful weekend "gardening" all all your projects. Hugs from CA.
Enjoy your weekend at CC Heidi. I love those crocheted flowers. Your fingers are never idle and judging by the look of that gorgeous wool you manage to fill your life with colour whatever the season or the pastime :>)
Everything is so pretty!!
So what does Jos think of your new hobby? ;)
Sounds like your weekend and mine will be pretty similar, gardening and crochet! I'm not up to anything as complex as flowers yet, so I am in awe of yours
It's fun to see your crochet projects. I've gotten back to doing a lot of knitting and crocheting in the evenings. Since I'm stitching about 7 to 8 hours a day working on models of my designs, I like having other crafts to do in the evenings :) Jacquelyn has also gotten interested in crocheting and is just about finished with her first project. Hugs to you!! Joanne
Wat ben je lekker bezig. Leuke werkjes allemaal. Mooie bolletjes.
Fijn weekend
The flowers are so beautiful.
Have long been torn between crochet & cross stitch (okay, and reading). Love your new crochet work and thanks for mentioning The Flower Bed - another new site to look for inspiration from. Take care!
Hallo lieve Heidi, want to go with you gardening! Ooohhhh lieverd, eindelijk kan ik weer hier en daar reageren op de blogs. Had heel wat in te halen bij je wat een prachtige werkjes zag en las ik allemaal, ZO LEUK! Doe maar nog meer bloemetjes haken want heb helemaal zin in de lente, HEERLIJK! Stuur jou een hele dikke zoen en een lieve lentegroet, heerlijk weer bij je te zijn Cin x
dear heidi,
i hope you have a wonderful day with
gardening and crocheting.your crochet flowers looks great!!!
have a wonderful day,
a big hugs,regina
First, I remember when you fit in those tiny shoes. Where did the years go?????
I love all the yarn you bought. As you well know, I have been addicted to yarn for years. Most of mine is for knitting.
Your flowers are really coming right along. Can't wait to see the shawl finished. It will not take long for sure. I know you when you get going on ideas and projects. Have fun.
Love you, Mom
What a nice weekend you have planned. Love the lacey flowers, they will make a beautiful shawl...hugs, Linda
I love the crocheted flowers. I can't wait to see how your shawl progresses.
Your flowers are beautiful... and the little shoes too!
They remember mines, when I was 6. They was pale blue and I was so happy when my mom bought them for me !
jouw bloementuin groeit nu binnen net zo hard als buiten!! Heerlijk om zo te kunnen genieten van het handwerken1
Oh, sweet! I love those flowers. I can't wait to see more!
Lovely flowers Heidi
Your scarf will be very chic!!! No, no no crochet scarf for me, would mean I need to start a new hobby and ohhh boy, definitely not enough time hihi!! Have a great day, hugs, Daniëlle
Bezige bij, nu ook al aan het haken! Hoeveel van die bloemen heb je ondertussen al? Gaat het snel of moet je er veel bij tellen?
Hugs en groetjes
Heidi, je doet zoveel dat je niet bij te houden bent.
Borduren, quilten, tuinieren, koken, nog even en ik ga jou vasthaken aan je stoel zodat je niet over je grens gaat. Liefs Bep.
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