After much frustration with attempts to blog this week, it has finally allowed me to download photos. I know others are also having problems so I am not alone. Not that it makes it less frustrating.
Finally, I can keep my promise to show you my Farmer's Wife sampler. I took this photo to share some time ago and since they have been working on the hand quilting. When it is not too hot, I am trying to quilt a block a day.

I am thrilled with the old fashioned look of this sampler. I think I have been under the influence of wanting to start rereading the Little House on the Prairie series along with watching the movie Sarah Plain and Tall again too. I *love* that film! And to me this quilt looks like a prairie garden at the end of the summer. That is going to be reflected in the quilt's name which I will share only once I have finished the quilting. If the summer is not too hot then that should not be allllllll too long. *grins*

We have had three extremely hot days and when I was originally trying to post this blog entry I could do little more than sit at the laptop and drink one of iced coffee. I am also busy getting ready for next week. It is our annual 'Christmas in July' quilt evening. So many secret projects that I can only share with you after Wednesday evening. So back to work for Miss Pickles the Elf (that's me)! *wink*
The quilt is beautiful and the iced coffee looks really good too. I am looking forward to seeing the Christmas in July festivities.
Wat is je sampler schitterend geworden! Prachtige "oude" kleuren!
Oooooooh that iced coffee looks yummm. Love your quilt. So pretty. You are clever! x
Gelukkig is het nu wat minder warm, de quilt gaat nu natuurlijk snel doorgepit worden... :-)
Wat een heerlijke ijskoffie heb je daar staan!
Je quilt is prachtig. Niet echt fijn om er met dat hele warme weer aan te werken. Gelukkig is het nu minder warm. Het drankje ziet er heel lekker uit.
Heidi, the quilt is just beautiful. I love brown and pinks togeather.
I love the quilt Heidi -it's so "you" :). It seems not very long ago you were having Christmas in July - how can it be a whole year gone by?! I am sitting at my computer with a fan blowing on me because it is about 112 today here...but of course we have central A/C which I presume most people in Holland do not. I don't know why but I've never read the LHOTP series although of course I watched it on TV and have some of the DVD's. I enjoy the older shows the best. I often wonder what it was really like living in a little cabin back then.
Stay cool!
I love your Farmer's Wife sampler! That's such a great idea to do some of the blocks and frame them!
Your quilt top is beautiful! That iced coffee looks pretty good too!
That quilt top just blows me away, Heidi!
Loving your quilt! The iced coffee...not so much. I'm one of the few people I know that don't like coffee at all.
What a lovely quilt!
What a beautiful quilt!
Your quilt looks beautiful, Heidi!
And when we don't mail/write each other before Wednesday: have a splendid evening together!!!
Today we found somebody else who might be able to make a DVD out of that 'quilt-tape' ... fingers crossed!
Hugs, Carolien
Beautiful quilt and great looking coffee! We do what we can, and when blogger doesn't cooperate we do what we need to do!
A real Heidi Quilt. Love how it turned out.
I hope I can see it next week??
I'm way behind with my blocks. Need to go and work, work, work.
I want to ad a little game next wednesday if it's possible?? Right at the start I want to play zakdoekje leggen, niemand zeggen. Oke?
Ziet er prachtig uit joh! Geweldig van kleur!! Hé, die film ken ik niet?? Speelt het in dezelfde tijd als LHoP?? Ken je de boeken van Janette Oke? Mooie dag, liefs, Daniëlle
Absolutely gorgeous!! I love this quilt so much... I really should get on with some quilting myslef, but it is too hot here!
I love your Japanese flower scarf. I may have to try and remember how to crochet somehting more complicated than a granny square... I have a thing about scarves too!
that the other ladies also will have very nice finishes.
I heard from you today that it is cold now, so maybe better for christmas in july night. happy elfing
Love you, Mom
My mini is easier to type without caps
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