I am still among the living working hard on the farm...my Farmer's Wife sampler quilts that is. I finished the last block of my pink and brown version so the quilt is now being pieced together with borders. I will now fully turn to the red and brown version. The blocks below are the four used for my quilt group this month. We met again last week and it is fun to see all the different samplers coming together.

I am working on 14 gifts for my quilt group as our next evening is our annual "Christmas in July" get together. It is an evening of wonderful food provided by selected members of the group and a fun easy project appropriate for making as Christmas gifts. Until I get these gifts made, I have to keep my other projects running at a minimum but I do have a couple of finishes to share with you later this week. It has kept me quiet on this blog as I know a number of the ladies in my group read my blogs. An elf knows how to keep a secret. *wink*
The Farmer's Daughter by Elizabeth Gardner Bougereau
*sigh* Some of you already know that I have always had a dream of having chickens but living in the middle of the suburbs I do not want the hassle of the neighbors not being happy about chickens. When I saw this painting, I knew it had to be the painting for this month's Farmer's Wife post. Can't you just hear the chickens squawking at her feet?
My blog visits have been sparse and I am missing going around visiting everyone. Things will be back to normal when my elf workshoppe closes for a little break soon. I will be back in a day or so with a finish I can show you though.....
Lovely blog! Looking forward to seeing your finished items!
It was nice to see your name pop up, Heidi!
I think that a painting of chickens is a good substitute for the real thing - although I wouldn't give up my girls for anything!
Good to see you are still around:-)
I often mention that i would love to keep chickens too! Apparantly they would wreck the grass so would have to be kept to a particular section of the garden - that sort of put me off, i wanted them to be able to run free, lol
Can't wait to see what you have been working on, whatever it is, i bet it's wonderful:-)
I'm amazed at how you can do these itty bitty squares! They're looking good. Hope you're having a nice day!
Glad to hear from you, it's been a while and your Farmer's Wife blocks are looking swell!
enjoy your christmas projects!
maybe you can make more quilted chickens, even put them at your feet..;-)
What a beautiful painting. Maybe one day you will be able to have your chickens Heidi!
Very nice blocks, I like the one on the bottom right the best.
You could really farm you know, on Farmville.com. Some of your friends do.
Love you, Mom
I have always thought it would be so much fun to live on a farm and raise chickens, horses, etc. as well as plenty of cats and dogs....I have a goose in my back yard named Samantha but alas she is only made of plaster...grins...Your quilt blocks are looking lovely as usual...You have been a very busy bee, will be looking forward to seeing your finish...after your elf duties are finished I think I will hop on over for a cup of tea in your garden. I will bring the dessert...winks....Hugs my friend
Such pretty blocks!! And a beautiful picture!
Ja, jouw blog wordt zeker gezien door je quiltgroupies! Maar je maakt me wel nieuwsgierig!
En twee kippetjes in je achtertuin...moet kunnnen....
De verse eieren zijn dan extra kadootjes elke dag!...
Your blocks are coming along nicely. Wow, 14 gifts - you will be busy.
Love your painting - it looks so domestic but that is the only way I would do chickens - in a picture that is lol.
Wow, your quilting is always so amazing. :D
I wish you could come spend some time with our chickens. :Dd
Your quilt squares are just beautiful!
Lovely picture, but she's a brave girl walking barefoot amomg all those chickens ;)
Great quilt squares
Love your blocks!! Have fun making all the presents!! Happy sewing, hugs, Daniƫlle
Just enjoy what you are sewing!
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