"Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing,
The days pass quickly when I am sewing"
~Author Unknown

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Way back in July of last year, I happy danced my way to you with this Quaker Row sampler. I stitched it up and for some reason, it sat unnoticed. This past week when I discovered it while sorting out things dumped in a room upstairs when we moved in a year ago. I am going to create a second guest room in this space. I have no idea how I forgot about this until now. I even had the fabrics I was considering to use with it for the framing set aside with it. I choose the fabric and Jos helped me get it into the frame. In my bid to use what I have, I used a frame that had a poster in it that I was no longer using.

I am really glad that I have a first stitched finished piece for this year. I have decided to give myself what I am calling my '2 for 1' challenge. I have to finish two UFOs before I can start a new project. I have finished two UFOs already this year and my new project is a gift I am making which I cannot share for a little while. I am also working on a bigger quilt UFO at the moment. It is going well and I hope to share it soon. I am also grabbing a crochet UFO tonight to get busy with. It will be fun to keep a quilt, stitching, crochet and bobbinlace UFO going side by side. I work on things I am in the mood for unless it is a gift that has to be finished so keeping the various things going works for me.

Anyone else out there in blogland working on clearing out their UFOs this year?


Rowan said...

I'm not but I should! Most of my UFOs go back decades as in recent years I've tended to finish what I start pretty quickly and I only start one thing at a time. I might dig out a couple of things once I've finished the two cardigans I'm knitting for my granddaughters.

Sweet Sue said...

Kudos on a stunning finish, perfect fabric~so very rewarding when all comes together the way you imagine:) Workin on a 4 yr old UFO now, guess I wasn't in any hurry to get 'er done;)

Jenny said...

I love this sampler Heidi. Now that it is framed it looks lovely. This is definitely one of my favorites...grins...I have to get back to my needle. I have hardly stitched since Thanksgiving and my Amish sampler as well as a couple of other UFO'S are calling to me....My fingers are itching to go. I have a gift I want to finish and then UFO'S here I come!!!!!

Mel said...

You are quite the stitcher, and crocheter. Beautiful work!


Deb said...

I am definitely working on my WIPs this year. In fact, I made a resolution that I wouldn't start anything new except for a year long Challenge. Don't know if I'll make it through the whole year, but even six months would be good for me.

Love your sampler! And kudos for getting two projects out of the way so far this year.

Catherine said...

Oh I love how you finished this piece! It looks wonderful!
I have a few UFO's that I'd like to work on again this year...we'll see how that works out!

Margaret said...

YUP - thankfully I don't have that many as there are two new projects which need to be started & completed by July & December respectively.

Lovely finish of this very pretty pattern.

Nancy said...

I have three knitting projects going at once. Getting there one now though. Moving right along.
Your finish is really good. I know how hard you are working on Jos' office and the other guest room now.
Well, since the other one is MY room, you only have one guest room. hahahahaha.
Love you guys,

Jeanne said...

I like your plan Heidi and that's a beautiful Quaker piece. I'm working hard on some of my stitching WIPs this year too. I'm in good shape with my quilting..but way too many unfinished stitching projects! I hope you had a nice holiday season, your annual quilting party looked like fun and love your new group project.

I hope you have a wonderful 2012 with improved health and lots of finishes!

Maggie said...

Lovely finishing Heidi!
Love the addition of the fabric, great idea :-)

onlymehere said...

Don't hate me but I spent last year doing that and there isn't anything that I know of that isn't finished. I have fabric from eons ago and when I get a sewing room again that's first on my list...that is to find projects to use it up on! Good luck with your projects!

Samplings from Spring Creek said...

Yes! I actually started last year! Am making some progress but those creative designers keep coming up with new things. And then there are the new fabric lines. Don't give up--you will end up with some lovely finishes

Ginny said...

Love that Quaker! You didn't by any chance find MY lost cross stitch, did you? I love the way you framed this. I have plenty of UFOs, everything from cross stitch to sewing to crocheting. Keep urging us to work at finishing them and maybe some of us will see real progress by the end of the year!

Lida said...

Yes, here it is the same, 2 finished 1 new project! Hope to finish my embroidery as beautiful as yours, greetings

Christine said...

That is a beautiful finish Heidi. I always plan to finish my UFOs before I start anything new, but somehow it never seems to work out that way...

Barb said...

Hello Heidi
Love your Quaker framed and it sounds as if you are getting set for a finger busy time. Hmmm I have a couple "cough" of ufos one I have started again since starting it last year and putting it aside ,it will probably take me all year as I only work on it on Tuesdays but the dance will continue !

barbara said...

Oh I'm always working on clearing out my UFOs. And because I'm never actually successful, I get to work on it the following year. LOL!

Love your framed piece!

Anonymous said...

Heidi, your sampler looks just perfect in the frame! I cannot push myself to get my tea cozy cut out or to get started piecing together the baby quilt. I need some sort of motivation.

Jantine said...

That is funny, didn't see your post until today, but wrote about my ufo's just in yesterdays post. 2 for 1 sounds great, think I will make it 4 for 1 ;-) when I really want to get some empty boxes back in my sewing room.

Anonymous said...

Hi, talking about UFO's, it’s the topic of the year 2012. Your talent is appreciated. Sapphire Rings .

Sonja said...

My UFO's are becoming WIP's..is that good too! (and they might turn into UFO's again...)