This has been a little joke between my mother and I that I am Mary Poppins ~ practically perfect in every way ~ due to my being a perfectionist.
By coincidence, I had a new SAL ready to start but was putting it off until the new year. So looking like Mary is a fun thing as the start is...

...this adorable chart from the Mary Poppins blog. Isn't this just wonderful?

I am using DMC 898 and Simply Shaker Sampler threads Mountain Mist. I am using a piece of 20 count evenweave 1 over 1 which I tea dyed myself.
Did any of you grow up loving this movie too? I still love it. Each time I see it, it's like I am seeing it again for the first time. The movie has never lost its magic to me. From the precious story behind Mary Poppins to the incredible music, it is a treat every time. Why not turn up your speakers and sing along?
Ain't it a glorious day?
Right as a mornin' in May
I feel like I could fly
'Ave you ever seen
The grass so green?
Or a bluer sky?
Oh, it's a jolly holiday
With Mary
Mary makes your 'eart so light
When the day is gray
And ordinary
Mary makes the sun shine bright!
Oh 'appiness is bloomin'
All around 'er
The daffoldils are smilin'
At the dove
When Mary 'olds your 'and
You feel so grand
Your 'eart starts beatin'
Like a big brass band
Oh, it's a jolly holiday with Mary
No wonder that it's Mary that we love!
Now then what'd be nice
We'll start with raspberry ice
And then some cakes and tea
Order what you will
There'll be no bill
It's complimentary
Oh, it's a jolly holiday
With you, Bert
Gentlemen like you are few
Though your just a diamond
In the rough, Bert
Underneath your blood is blue!
You'd never think of pressing
Your advantage
For bearance is the hallmark
Of your creed
A lady needn't fear
When you are near
Your sweet gentility is crystal clear!
Oh, it's a jolly holiday with you, Bert
A jolly, jolly holiday with you!
I saw this movie for the first time when I had kids, it's no part of my youth. But I love this movie too! When we switched from VCR to DVD, it was the first movie I bought to have on DVD too.
Thanks for letting us now about the pattern, I saved it, but with the load of designs I want to stitch I don't think I'll stitch it any time soon.
Yours looks great though. Love the colors.
How fun!!!
Hello Mary,
Yes you are like Mary Poppins and maybe one day you will fly over here to the UK.
This is a very pretty sampler and I hope you enjoy stitching it.
MP is a firm favourite of mine too.
Give Rover a pat from me.
Heidi what a great chart!, i love it!
Happy new year to you :-)
It was the first movie I ever went to see in the cinema, I was 6 years old and it was a friend's birthday party. I remember it well... to this day I will maintain that the screen was just a giant television, I am still convinced I could see the knobs...;).
I love, love, love the movie, the chart is particularly great too. I cannot wait to see the finished item.
Have a fabulous 2010!
That is so cute!!!
Love that movie, a classic,
Hi Heidi,
Yes, we love Mary Poppins too! I just liked the picture of you sitting there, I didn't think of Mary then ... but yes, you're a 'look-alike' I guess ;)
That stitchwork is very funny!
I am glad you had a nice stay at CC. We didn't have much oliebollen (last years I had to throw them away after New Year), there are a few left, which is nice. Sofia made us some appelbollen, mmm!
I dedicated New Years Day to my 'Almost Christmas quilt'. I did the last block and I started with the border, did 1/4, joehoe! When stitching like this I had to think of how little time I had the last weeks, aaargh! I want to do MORE this year :)
Hope you are doing all right. I didn't call these days: Fleur was ill. Maybe we can meet in January? I hope so!
Take care & hugs & groetjes aan Jos en jou natuurlijk, Carolien
Hey! You do look like Mary Poppins, now that you mention it ;-)
Mary Poppins was my son's favorite movie while growing up :) I love it too!
Great new project Heidi :)
I think you look adorable Heidi - what a great picture. Happiest of New Years to you :)
Hugs - Karen
That is a too cute project. It suits you to a T. You already know I love the movie and yes, you are like Mary, practically perfect in every way. Everything has to be just so, if you don't believe me, just ask Jos. lol.
It will be a true Mary project too.
Love you, Mom
A happy and safe New Year to you Heidi!!
You have the knack of finding these lovely x-stitch patterns, that I must follow on and find to do myself!!! I've nearly finished my Ten Virgins x-stitch.
I definitely want to do Mary Poppins as well. Mary Poppins was one of the very early movies I remember seeing. It's one of those movies like Sound of Music, that I can see over and over.
What a cute new project to start the new year with. I can't say how many times I read the Mary Poppins books when I was a child. Great reading memories.
I've never seen that design before--it's too cute! I loved the pic of you, too. Wishing you & Jos a wonderful, happy, and healthy 2010.
Wow, a Mary Poppins blog?! How fun is that. My 17-year-old's favorite movie of all time is the Wizard of Oz. I'm going to have to look for a blog of that, lol! I actually remember seeing Mary Poppins in the theater for the first time when I was younger. We had gone to a different theater with a balcony and that's probably why I remember it! This is going to be such fun for you to stitch!
I remember seeing Mary Poppins at the cinema when I was very young, it is a delughtful film and the Mary sampler is adorable
Told you, Mary Poppins, love the movie. I watched it when I was a little girl. Never knew there was a MP blog. Do you follow the MP tv show on sunday? like to watch it. But I don't like all the musicals translated into Dutch. Like the original version better.
See you soon!
I can't believe it! I love it. While I might not start soon, I am printing it off as we speak! How cool. What a wonderful pick for you to start!
Diane in MI
What a perfect chart and new start for you! Adorable photo. And "yes" you do look like Mary Poppins! Here's to a great new year!
This is a darling chart, what a fun stitch and I agree you do look like Mary Poppins...that is the cutest picture.
Happy New Year to you and yours Heidi, may 2010 be a great year...hugs, Linda
Love the Mary Poppins Chart! And you know, some days ago I saw Mary Poppins in Hollywood! Yes I did! But you never guess what she was doing… She was standing in line, next to us, ordering a hamburger at MacD. Mary is a modern girl!!
So nice to see 'Mary'. Wish we could see the old movie again here!
Yep, you do look like Mary Poppins sitting there.
What fun to find a chart with her. I love your hand dyed fabric and look forward to seeing your stitch on this.
The likeness is amazing!
I actually read this post two days ago but went to the link to look at the pattern and never got back to comment!
Happy New Year, Heidi! I hope that 2010 brings you relief in terms of your health, and lots of fun new projects.
I want to stitch I don't think I'll stitch it any time soon.
Work from home India
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