It is another jolly Monday with Mary! And let's step in time.....

"Step in time, step in time
Come on, mateys, step in time
Step in time
Step in time, step in time
Step in time, step in time
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme
Step in time, you step in time!"

Can you see the chimney sweeps dancing among the chimney pots? I was thrilled to see Mary up among the chimney pots herself.
"Round the chimney!
Round the chimney, step in time
Round the chimney, step in time
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme
Round the chimney, step in time!"

Speaking of time, I am enjoying "Enjoy your time" from Blue Ribbon Designs. I just love working with the Needle Necessities thread and hope to get up to the LNS in Roden in the coming months to buy some ThreadworX which is the replacement thread for this company. It has been a joy to stitch with so I guess you could say that I am taking this saying literally. *wink*

What about you? Are you enjoying your time with needle and thread? We are back to cold and snow so the perfect weather to sit indoors and stitch. So many are having a more severe winter and I am wondering if you are noticing that you are getting more done now as a result? No matter where you are or what your weather...enjoy your time!
Mary is getting on very well! And yes I am busy with my biasband. I am going very slowly, but that is no problem for a beginner.
P.S. I went to Ikea and bought an ironing board and a desk-light and invited myself for a diner at Ikea's!
P.S. hoe krijg jij zulke duidelijke foto's, zonder dat je daglicht hebt?
I ran out of yarn on the second sleeve of Zoe's sweater at almost the top. I just went to buy it. I have the neck then and it will be finished.
Kristy's church is going to hold an auction of crafts, so I will be making some scarf and hat sets in the school colors for it. The money is going to Haati. I will take some ponchos too.
Love your Mary, it is really coming right along and practically perfect too.
Love you, Mom
Lovely to see these works grow, Heidi! And yes, I will be off to make a few stitches on the second RR, hurray! ;)
Sleep well & hugs, Carolien
What very appropriate words, and so beautifully stitched.
Oh Mary looks fabulous! Great stitching!
Your Mary is coming along nicely, I love that film. I agree with you I have done lots of stitching while the weather is cold and my back is bad so that means I can not get out into the garden, so stitching seems to have taken over. Hugs, Hazel(UK)
Both of your projects are wonderful! I am really loving Mary...I think I need to watch it again ;)
I usually am not that big a fan of counted cross stitch, but that Mary sampler is so tempting that I would love to try it myself.
I am currently knitting on a baby sweater that will never get finished by the time this baby is born.
I am going to try to do two more bookmarks in the next few weeks, but need to find inspiration for a saying on them.
Both projects are moving right along. The NN color is really pretty!
Mary is looking lovely.
Mary is looking fantastic! I hope you're enjoying stitching her.
Nice to see Mary up there among the chimney pots and sweeps!
I'm having a lovely time finishing up the 2009 Santa, so it will be framed and ready to hang with its maties next Christmas, as well as a sampler and a knitted baby blanket.
I love this project, Heidi! :D
Lovely! Hey - I caught myself singing FEED THE BIRDS... this afternoon. LOL
We had a couple of nice weeks in which the temperatures were finally above normal. All the snow melted. Sunday, it actually rained; some places were supposed to get up to 1". Alas, the thaw is over, and it's back to the deep freeze. Definitely good stitching weather, if I can ever get caught up on my other chores! Did some tonight while watching a movie with my hubby.
Mary is just perfect! I think I just may go and look for her myself.
YES, I'm getting more done, but I blamed it on the wish of bettering my life, not on the weather. Now that you mention it, though...
I'm knitting right now. Also due to the cold?
But I do love Mary, and the Blue Ribbon piece is wonderful as well. Enjoy those snowy days!
Mary looks wonderful, she reminds me of the illustrations in my paperback more than the movie.
Nice progress there on Mary,Heidi and that thread I agree is gorgeous.
I used to work in a cinema in the 60s (extra job saving to get married lol) and saw Mary Poppins 26 times .
Almost knew it word for word as well as song for song lol.
That was the reason for me stitching it(or thinking about it)
thanks for comment on my blog.
Hugs Barb
Mary ziet er mooi uit. Van mij mag de winter nu wel over zijn, al heb je hebt wel gelijk...meer binnen zitten betekend ook meer handwerken!
This is one of our favourite films and Rula and I are both following your progress with great enthusiasm. it's especially nice listening to the soundtrack at the same time.
I love the NN thread you are using for the BRD piece.
Warm hugs Angela
Greta progress on Mary. I love the NN/Threadworx threads. They are lovely to stitch with and great value too. I am going to be using them for A Quaker Christmas. x
"In ev'ry job that must be done
There is an element of fun
you find the fun and snap!
The job's a game
Nad ev'ry task you undertake
Becomes a piece of cake
A lark! Aspree!
It's very clear to me"
quilting and stitching aren't tasks, but always fun..
mary's is getting there too.
Great progres. I have my quiltingtime later this evening.
Hugs, and see you tomorrow.
Hoi Heidi,
oooh die Mary word geweldig, heerlijk om binnen zo bezig te zijn nu het buiten wel heel erg koud word.
Ik ben ook weer begonnen met een klein borduurwerkje, zo leuk om te doen.
Have a nice day, Ingrid.
Mary's coming along nicely, Heidi! I love your BRD, too. Definitely a message to take to heart! Hunker down with your stitching and stay warm. It's supposed to get cold again here, too.
I haven't been stitching much because I'm crocheting instead. It's hard for me to find time to do both. I'm also reading a lot and cooking. Linda
Thanks for visiting my blog. I love yours.
I am doing job work today so I am reading stuff really quick.
Have a blessed weekend.
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