A limp you ask? No I did not twist my ankle, break a leg or anything like that but I did seem to trip over my needle. Here is my first Beth Twist design done and dusted in just a week. Woohoo!

Perhaps it was my excitement to get this sampler finished so I can frame it and hang it on my wall but I made a very blatant and visible mistake. Can you see it? I sure can. *grins*

Here it is...

A. ??? How did that happen. I started stitching the letter B and then skipped over a row and started stitching it again. How silly of me not to notice it until I only had the letter O left to stitch. I found my mistake when I was working on the top edge.

Since there was plenty of space to stitch the O, I decided that my little Abigail will keep her mistake as is to be her own unique self. *wink*

I have a vintage frame waiting to be used and think I will frame this with the help of some fabric to make the frame work like I did with my
saying. And look at the fabulous little pincushion! It was a Christmas gift from
Tam and I just love it. I am using it for decoration on the table in my living room.

Speaking of gifts, I am up late wrapping these...

Tomorrow I am off to the Hobby Market (Handwerkbeurs) in Zwolle with
Joke and
Joanne. I thought it would be fun to make each of them a scissor fob to remember the day by.
Hope they will like them.
Heidi, it's beautiful and you're so fast with your needle! What is next for you?
The pin cushion from Tam is just precious!
I hope you enjoy your day at the Hobby Market! I'm not quite sure what it is but I'm sure it's going to be fun.
I didn't even notice the "character trait" (as we call them in wood working) until you pointed it out. We also said that it gave our projects character when something like that occured! The fobs are so cute too. You are an amazingly talented woman. I think of you often and you feeding the ducks in your backyard whenever I see a duck, how weird is that?
I was always told that no work of art or stitchery - no work of man could be perfect as only the Creator is capable of perfection. I like the idea of a wrong stitch being all about character!
Heidi this so so pretty, I hope you share when it's framed and hung. I would have never noticed your little "limp":) if you hadn't mentioned it....love it anyway.
Have a fun outing and I know the girls will treasure the fobs you made for them...you are so creative and thinks of the nicest things to do for others....hugs, Linda
That is so pretty...love the fabric you chose! Best part is you made it your own unique design! Beautiful finish.
The fobs are great too....think your friends are going to love them.
the little imperfections are what make it uniquely yours. very pretty. No one would notice until you point it out. very pretty
Congratulations Heidi on a wonderful finish! You did a beautiful job and I love how you left your " character trait " in. :) That really makes it special. The pin cushion is adorable and the fobs are terrific. I know your friends will treasure them because they came from you. What a thoughtful gesture. Have fun on your outing!
Hello Heidi,
Well, that sampler really is unque now!
I hope you had a nice day in Zwolle. The fobs are nice!
Bye & hugs, Carolien
Hi Heidi, I love your new finish, it is beautiful!
Its lovely, and Abigail probably put A. because its her initial ;D
Very pretty Heidi, I wouldnt have noticed it should have been any different if you had not pointed it out.
What is next I wonder?
Like the fobs too what lovely little gifts. Hope you had fun at the Hobby Market. Did I tell you my chart of My love to keep me warm has arrived and yes I love it.
A very lovely finish, Heidi. And no, I hadn't been aware of the "mistake", and even after knowing about it now I'd rather think that little Abigail marked the A in some way as it's the first letter of her name as well. And as I've just noticed I'm not the only one who got this idea, lol.
Oh wow that is one fast stitch! And I didn't notice the mistake even when you did a close up :S. Lovely gifts for the girls. I am sure they will love them. x
Hey Heidi, I hope the beurs was a lot of fun! :D
Cannot believe how fast you stitched up Beth's design. I like your mistake - gives it a schoolgirl flavor. :D
Heidi, I love your sampler finish and I'm so biased with the name Abigail too that I just may have to get that one!!!!
I really really couldn't find the mistake, so I wouldn't worry at all. It's unique and so pretty.
A vintage frame is perfect for this piece.
Feathers in the Nest
A true Heidi sampler..love it!! See what I mean about you getting more done they I?
Hope you had fun at the Hobby Market :)
So glad you are enjoying the pin cushion :)
Hello Heidi,Nice to see you again.I wouldn't have noticed the little imperfection as one commentor calls it. I think your friends will love the scissor fobs.
Love the sampler Heidi mistake and all, I would never have noticed if you had not said. Anyway it makes it more your own. The pincushion is cute and I like the fobs, the one you made me in Holland is very much admired here for stitchers don't seem to do little accessories like over here.
Hope you are keeping well.
Hugs, Hazel (UK)
What a lovely finish and you know, I don't think I would have noticed the mistake unless you'd pointed it out. I just look on this as making it a unique piece and such a nice piece at that!
Thanks for dropping by my blog and leaving such a nice comment!
What a lovely peice Heidi!
And i would have never noticed the 'mistake' until you pointed it out - good for you for leaving it in :-)
Beautiful. Mistake and all. And I would never have found it if you ahdn't pointed it out.
Someone once told me. Always include a mistake bacause only God is perfect. :)
Hoi Heidi,
ik vind hem prachtig en kon de fout echt niet zelf ontdekken. En wat heb je dat snel gedaan, petje af hoor. Ik ga bijna aan mijn 'spring' borduurtje beginnen, heb er zin in.
groetjes, Ingrid.
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