Be sure you put on your speakers and enjoy the video while dancing along. See my side bar.

Saskia and I had a play date on Wednesday. She came over to my house again for the day. We had goodies to eat since I baked brownies and banana bread and made lunch. We also worked on our Peppermint Twist SAL. I had to work on part 2 which should have been done before she came but since my QAL project had the same due date, I had to make a choice which to finish. In the end, I was only two days late since I finished my 2nd part last night. Be sure to visit Saskia's blog to see hers!
One of the fun things about this part was stitching the cardinals (red birds). I have had Dutch friends actually ask me if these red birds are real. Yes, they are! I included a photo of one from the Ohio Nature website.
Saskia and I had a play date on Wednesday. She came over to my house again for the day. We had goodies to eat since I baked brownies and banana bread and made lunch. We also worked on our Peppermint Twist SAL. I had to work on part 2 which should have been done before she came but since my QAL project had the same due date, I had to make a choice which to finish. In the end, I was only two days late since I finished my 2nd part last night. Be sure to visit Saskia's blog to see hers!

And it is the Ohio state bird so I felt like I was stitching a little piece of home. *grins*
Is anyone else getting really sick of this hot summer? I know I am ready to see the season change. At least I have my stitching for company when I cannot be outside because it is too sunny. With my chronic skin condition, it is shade only for me! I do venture out to sit under the awning when it is not too hot and stitch away the day.
Have a very stitch-y weekend bloggers!
It looks wonderful!! You know I thought I was the only one who detested the heat! I too am the only one in the shade on a hot day. It has cooled down a bit here and I have my cardi on. Roll on Autumn - my favourite time of year. x
Venho aqui postar sobre os seus tres blogs que estão espetaculares,tem excelente gosto no trabalho que faz no dia a dia , mas tambem tem muito gosto no trabalho que como blogueira.....
Peppermint twist looks fab!
Hope it cools soon.
Heel mooi je borduurwerk ! Voor mij kan de zomer niet lang genoeg duren, hoewel het nu wel lekker is dat het iets is afgekoeld .
Groetjes Anita.
Pretty, pretty, pretty. Love the red.
We have cardinals here. They are just so handsome.
I'm tired of this heat too. Today, we are leaving for holidays and it is pouring and I mean pouring rain! How fun to pack the car in this.
It is just a wonderful piece. I am thinking of buying a copy to add to my stash! When I turned on your music I was expecting Christmas music...boy was I surprised! Blessings, Dianntha
I wish your Dutch friends could really see the beautiful Cardinals,
our state bird, and also the Blue Jays. They are very real and oh so pretty.
I cannot do hot anymore either. I have to stay in the shade or better, not outside at all. It really gets to me now.
Good news from my Mammogram, it is clear.
I love your twist. It is too cute. I will have to check out Saskia's also.
I have to tell you, we are really enjoying farmville with Carolein's girls, and now she is our neighbor too, as of last night. It is such fun helping the new farmers collect things. LOL
Won't you be our neighbor?????
I also go one of your other friends, Linda.
Have fun at the cottage.
Love you, Mom
Love peppermint Twist. I am so looking forward to fall.
Cardinals and Jays - flashes of colour through the trees. They are little miracles, along with humming birds.
I love this SAL - it could make a hot day feel just a little cooler.
Beautiful stitchery project! Yes, I'm tired of the heat of summer, too. Ready for fall. It's only 154 days til Christmas! Have a wonderful weekend. ~Karen
Sick of this hot summer???? No way!!! I just adjust my pace and love it. Maybe this year I'll be able to celebrate my birthday outside again (10 August) yeah!!!!#
Have a great weekend.
Looks great Heidi. What a cute piece this is and how fun that you are SALing it.
I got a kick out of you wanting summer to be over with. Being back in the HEAT ourselves DH is talking just like you. Although I would like it to be a tad cooler than 110 F I never want winter to come. Correction - winter is allowed to come the night before Christmas and be over with Jan 2. Must be because I lived in Northern Ontario for so many years that I've had enough winter to last me a lifetime.
Have a great weekend.
hugs, Margaret
Hi there sweetie too hot for me to do the twist today and after all the jitterbugging I am absolutley shattered.
Love how the twist is coming on though and those cardinals are something else.
It is very warm here today too ,but a slight breeze when the sun goes behind a cloud. Have a good weekend , we are off to see Oliver tonight .
Take care hugs
I absolutely love your over one project Heidi. And me too would love some colder weather. HOpefully, this weekend.
This is such a happy stitch and I do love the little red cardinals. We don't have them here but our Texas family does and when we visit during the holidays it's a thrill to see them...hugs, Linda
Peppermint Twist is gorgeous. I love the cardinals too. Not surprising since I love red so much and I always like birds in stitched pieces.
I'm not sure which is worse here - the heat or the humidity. Probably the humidity.
At least you have a "cool" project to work on in this heat! Part two looks great! I grew up in Ohio, so I had never thought about cardinals not being every where until now. We've had baby cardinals in the yard this year, and they have all been fun to watch.
I love how your SAL is coming along. It is looking really special and it is so much fun to do it with a friend. The red cardinal is a beautiful bird. When I lived in Indiana I used to feed the birds out on my little apartment balcony. They loved the bird feeder,especially during winter, and the cardinal would look so beautiful against the white snow. Fall will be here soon, For some reason I can hardly wait for pumpkin pie...grins... Have a good weekend Heidi! Hugs.
Your Twist is looking good! It has been so hot and humid this July, that thinking winter thoughts is a welcome change. I love brightly colored birds, especially cardinals, gold finches, and indigo buntings!
We had nesting cardinals here, and they hatched out two young that actually "made it"! I was so excited, you'd have thought I was the godmother or something. LOL. Great finish with your stitching, too. I'm not wishing away the summer, but I wouldn't complain if the temps came down a tad. Take care!!
Great job, Heidi! You are right about this heat. We have air conditioning, but even with it, it's often too hot in the house. Still, I'm not ready for winter.
That looks good, and only two day's behind. But I bet your way ahead of me know. I had to work on my Secret Sister gift, and do some gardening too...
But I hope I can work this weekend on PT. Still 1,5 weeks to go.
Have a little surprise ... Will email you later this weekend.
Hope you and Jos have a great weekend at CC
That is gorgeous. I especially like the two little fat cardinals at the bottom
Ciao, Bello il tuo blog!!!!
Ciao da Domenica
I believe the temperatures are a bit down, so that's a bit better for you. Luckely you can stitch and quilt in the heat.
that was me... ;-)
Heidi it's lovely and so festive. I did enjoy doing the chair jive as i looked at the pretty festive colours. I love cardinals. What a pleasant way to stitch, munching brownies with a friend :>)
Hello Heidi, I love your Peppermint fun is that! I too am working on a fall piece, it is "Witchy Washy"...we are dying here in Texas with the hot temps...although I am enjoying my summer, I am ready for some relief in the hot summer days!
Congrats! It's a lovely finish.
Congrats on a lovely festive finish!
Your Peppermint Twist looks wonderful - I am so excited to see it come to life over-one linen thread...and the video and song made me smile immediately! :-) Heidi, I love you - you make me happy!! Thanks for always brightening my day...
Lovely!! We had a lovely June, but July had been pretty miserable - lots of wind and rain - it feels like Autumn already. Maybe we could arrange a weather swap?
It's been stinky hot here but today we are having a brief respite. I wish it was like this everyday - I feel like I can breath again.
Anyway, just when I get over wanting to do Peppermint Twist you tease me again with a picture - it's refreshing and tempting, just like today's weather.
We have tons of cardinals in our backyard. Their flash of red is so surprising against the dark green backround of summer.
Looking good Heidi! I love cardinals too....we had them in Illinois where I grew up and luckily they also live in Arizona where I am now. We don't see them around our house but can find many of them on the outskirts of town or in the nature preserves. We are actually having a cloudy day today (rare) so I am enjoying it along with a break in the blasting heat LOL.
What fun you must have stitching together. Love the cardinal.
Now that's something I would really love to see: a cardinal (the bird type ;). If I ever might go to the USA I would certainly go on search for him ...
Bye! Carolien
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