Phew! Nothing like working your fingers to the bone. And in this heat! I just finished my
Between Charming Friends QAL quilt just in the knick of time. Tomorrow was the deadline to be part of the quilt parade. I made it but it was touch and go. You see, I am a hand quilter and extreme hot summer weather is not the best for quilting. I really did want to get this completed in time so I have been sitting in my rocking chair upstairs in our bedroom in front of our fan to quilt this. Well, we all have to suffer something for our handwork, right? *grins*

When I commented on my blog about how difficult it was for me to go out of my comfort zone with these bright fabrics, you were all so encouraging. Thank you so much. I had a good bit of scraps from the strip piecing left over and found it was enough to repiece them into 3 needlebooks. I decided my surprise finishing giveaway this time will go all out and there are not one but three winners this time.

First, take a look at the name of my quilt - 'Strawberries, Cupcakes and Sweets'. Does it sound familiar if you read the comments on
this post? Well, it was actually someone elses idea. I knew the moment I read the comment that it would be the name of my quilt since it was such a cute title. This person is the first winner of a needlebook. Who, you ask?
Carolien - thank you for naming my quilt and now you will have a reminder. *wink*
Please email me from my profile page Dawn with your address so I can send you your needlebook. I am still sewing them together but should be able to get it out to you all three by next week. They are all about half done. I will share a photo of them too when I get them sewn.
Remember, I am holding surprise giveaways for this entire summer each time I finish a project. I never tell you which post I am using for the giveaway but if you do not comment you cannot win. So stop in to say hello and perhaps you will win.
Congratulations for finishing just in time & what a beautiful quilt lovely hand quilted.You can be proud of you. Hugs
Heyyyyyyy, I won. You know I love all the primary crayon colors, so I love this quilt. I will love my needlebook too. Thank you very much. I always tell you not to put my name into your drawings, but this one I will take. LOL.
I love the name Carolien picked for the quilt. She is very clever. I bet she will be excited when she sees this entry.
Congrats to the other winner also.
Have a great day, and stay cool.
Love you, Mom
Congratulations to the winners! I love how this finished up and what a very cute name for it too! I'm out of my comfort zone with brights too but just finished up one with brights and really like it. I can hardly wait to see it quilted up!
The finished quilt is as pretty as I thought it would be. I'm redecorating our guest room and using all-white bed linens, with bright throws for the foot of the bed - using primary colours. It must be a summer thing!
Congratulations, Heidi!
It's wonderfully beautiful...and so refreshing. It kind of reminds me of a summertime fresh fruit salad. Yummo! And I'll have mine with a little dollop of fruit dip on the side, please. *wink*
That is lovely, the colours are so fresh and summery
What a beautiful beautiful quilt. I love all the bright colors. Congrats to Carolien and your other winners on their lovely needlebooks. Although, I am sad that I wasn't one! Oh, well - maybe next time.
Ahuuuuummmm, this certainly is a shock, Heidi! But -as you said - a pleasant one indeed!!! I didn't mean to name somebody else's quilt, but now it seems I did it anyway ... Well, I'm even a little proud because that quilt is so gorgeous! And again I'm dying for strawberries, cupcakes and other sweets when seeing this. Not to mention that I ate a few too much brownies today (oops!:)
Thank you very much for the honour of being mentioned like this and my, again a present!!! I'll be hiding in a strawberry field forever if you continue to do this, you know ;)
But no, 'het is veel te gek natuurlijk, maar joepie het is ook wel heel erg leuk om zo een herinnering te krijgen van jouw leuke nieuwe project'!
When are you planning your first picknick on it? Sad you can't eat cherries, by the way.
Well, this is a long comment, I'll stop now. Will be writing you for a playdate, goo idea!
Bye, big hugs en groetjes,
Spoilt Carolien
What a lovely coindence Heidi I have just returned from a walk with U3A and we stopped of at Mac.Donalds and had a strawberry mcflurry (delicious) and come home to find a lovely picture of your latest project it is so colourful and it is good to come out of your comfort zone for awhile.
Well done to the winners and for Carolien naming your new quilt.
Hazel (UK)
Your quilt is so pretty-Congratulations on another finish!
What a beautiful quilt Heidi. It is so bright and cheery and the name Carolien came up with is perfect. Congratulations to all the winners, I know they will enjoy their needlebooks. I haven't worked on a quilt since May when I made my daughter her Scotty Dog scrap quilt, too busy cross-stitching I guess. I have discovered the world of "small" and have become slightly addicted...grins... stay cool, and I hope you are having a happy day stitching and doing something that you love. Hugs from CA.
Congratulations to the winners! Congrats to you, too, on a beautiful finish! I know the brighter colors are a bit out of your comfort zone, but it is a fantastic quilt and should remind you of hot summer days. :) Congrats!
Heidi it's beautiful and suits the bright sweet name Carolien came up with. Sometimes you just have to look at asomething and an idea pops into your head.
It's nice to make some co ordinating needlebooks too - it spreads the pleasure around some :>)
What a wonderful feeling to get your quilt finished just in the 'stitch' of time :>)
Oh you finished it clever girl. Perfect name for it too, Well what is next on the agenda are we dancing Im asking!
Beautiful finish Heidi! And, how nice that your mother won! She can use it to work on her cross-stitching that she is working on now.
Me han gustado muchos sus trabajos
This quilt just makes me happy to look at it - makes my heart sing! Even though it isn't colors you would normally pick, they all look so cheerful together...
Linda in VA
I was reading your blog while I enjoyed a forest fruit ice cream... Good for you, another finish. And even if there not 'Heidi fabrics', it's a lovely quilt.
And a big hurray for the 3 winners!
See you tomorrow, with needle and thread...
knuffels Saskia
Gefeliciteerd met deze heerlijk zonnige en gezellige quilt! Petje af dat je met dit weer kon quilten.
Een echte doorzetter, maar dat wisten we al.
Hugs en groetjes, Elly
Lovely quilt -congratulations!
I'm amazed you are hand quilting in the heat of summer. You should move to England - we've had chilly rain for nearly 2 weeks solid now!
Congratulations on finishing your beautiful quilt - just love the bright colours!
Congrats on another lovely finish Heidi, it's beautiful!
And congratulations to the winners of your needle books too :-)
I love the bright colors of your lovely new finish! Glad you made the deadline. I really like the way you fixed the label with the different fabric surrounding it. You are so sweet and generous to have your unannounced give aways! Congratulations to the winners because all you put your hand to is lovely!
Your quilt is wonderful! Did you get to the point where you liked the colors?
You're always so generous with your giveaways and I know the recipients will love what they get from you.
Your quilt is bright and beautiful! Great job!
Oh my gosh, Heidi, that is so utterly gorgeous! Good for you, going outside your comfort zone - the results are well worth it!!
Lovely quilt! The colours are just gorgeous.
I love your quilt with the bright colors and I love the name. It is so delicious. As I was reading your post, I was so surprised to see my name. A surprise win!! Thanks!
Love it!
What a lovely quilt you have made! So gorgeous!
GORGEOUS finish, Heidi! This on is s pretty, cheerful and looks like lots of crushed candies! Hand quilted too...and in the recent heat... My hat off to you. :o) Happy Days, my friend ((HUGS))
I love the colours on your sweet little quilt, though I can imagine it wasnt easy to step out of your usual colour zone. Well done!
I'm glad that you kept going even those colors were out of your comfort zone. It looks wonderful.
Those bright colours are wonderful! What a beautiful finish. Congrats to your giveway winners!
Petje af voor je doorzettingsvermogen en dat met de temperaturen van afgelopen dagen! Een prachtige quilt is het.
Groetjes Anita.
Lovely quilt!! Would be out of my comfortzone also!! but looking at your quilt makes me want to try this also!! Happy sewing, Daniëlle
Look how beautiful those bright colors turned out in this gorgeous quilt! It's a happy quilt and the title of it couldn't be 'sweeter'. You'll have to show pictures of the needlebooks, they will be pretty too.
Oh, your quilt is just SO CUTE! I love it! Very nice job - and I love those colors!
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