Mondays are always busy days for me. It is wash day. Today, I had a big stack of ironing to work through. I do like to iron. Did I just hear some gasps? *wink* With my fibromyalgia, I have a hard time with tasks like this but make it through by working on just a couple of items and then resting. When I have a large amount to do, I set up my ironing board and go back and forth between it and resting with my stitching. So this morning I got myself started and decided to start a new stitching project too. I just did not feel like working on my latest UFO.
Well, tomorrow it will be back to that UFO as I finished my new start already. This simple little Stacy Nash pattern stitched up in no time. By 5pm both the ironing and sampler were done. *grins*

I will add this to my Ohio sampler wall that I am going to create in our new home. Mind you, I have only stitched three of them so far. I aged this fabric when I finished stitching it and am really pleased with how it came out.

It seems that
Jantine might have jinxed me. *wink* She commented once asking just how many frames I have as I always have just the right one in the house. Since she said that, I have not had a frame that worked for a finished piece. I decided to check out IKEA which is only minutes from my home. They had this beautiful frame. It was fun to start a project in the morning and have it framed by bedtime.
In the meantime, I have a load of laundry needing hung before I go to bed.....
Ha, i'm the first..
So, now you have to do another round of ironing and stitching again. I can bring some ironing too, if you want to finish an UFO? LOL
Nice frame, still looking for mine though.
A huge GASP here on the ironing front. Years and years of husband's military uniforms that required ironing with lots of starch. The only ironing I enjoy is while piecing. Hee!!
Your pieces are always so ME!
Oh my goodness, I don't know if I've ever met someone that liked to iron. I hate it! When my DH and I first married, he did his own shirts and he thought I was going to iron them for him! No way Jose'. LOL But looks like you've got it down to a fun science between the stitching and ironing.
I love your finished piece and I'm definitely going to have to check Ikea for some frames.
What an absolutely adorable little sampler. It is just so sweet. I can just picture little Emma sitting on a stool by the fire working on her stitches while her mommy is busy ironing all the work clothes, dresses, petticoats and aprons belonging to her growing family. Speaking of ironing I too love to iron. My grandmother used to iron everything, and I mean everything, so maybe I picked it up from her....along with her love of needlework... Have a good week my friend. Hugs from CA.
That is how I have to do my ironing as well due to a bad back.
Your sampler is adorable!
Well, if this is the kind of by product that ironing creates, then bring on the ironing, I say :>)
I did two hours worth this morning but couldn't find a little sampler anywhere...haha! I love this idea!
Ironing can't be easy when you have FM, Heidi, yet you have turned it into something positive, as always :>)
This is such a sweet little design and the frame is just right.
Sending warm wishes Angela
Great how you "aged" it.
I'm not sure if I know anyone who actually *likes* to iron! Wow! I avoid it as much as I can.
How did you age your fabric? It's gorgeous!
I used to say that my Mom's hobby was ironing. She loved it. We were always starched. Sad isn't it? Love your finish.
I'm jealous. You have an IKEA! The closest one to us is several hours away and in another country - Canada. I can go over the border, but I can't come home again since I don't have a passport.
As for ironing, well, I won't go there. But I'll let my daughter know she can send her husband's shirts to you for ironing.
This is a very sweet little prim finish! You will have a lot of fun making your Ohio sampler wall.
Wat een leuk borduurtje, ik hou wel van zo'n antieke look. Mooi lijstje van Ikea, ik wist niet dat ze daar van die leuke lijstjes verkopen.
Groetjes Anita.
Ugh, I HATE ironing, I try to avoid it as much as possible...
Your primitive sampler is just adorable
Oké, dus binnenkort maar weer eens naar IKEA.
Wat een lief borduurwerkje is dit geworden. En nu nog ff wachten op het spijkertje aan de muur in het nieuwe huis!
I can hardly wait to see this new wall in your new home. You do such good work. Our Ikea is almost 2 hours from my home so I don't get down there very often. I plan to go down in October with my DIL though and do some Christmas shopping too! A day with her is well worth a 2-hour drive for sure. As for ironing...I like doing laundry but ironing...not so much. It's just too hot and hard on my hands and feet!
Wow, that was fast. I was talking to you between ironing and stitching. Glad you got to go to Ikea as planned.
I am with Quilt Hollow, I used to have to iron those starched military uniforms also. Guess that is why I now HATE ironing. The new uniforms are throw in the dryer and wear. Kristy is lucky there.
I found a frame for my squaw, so I guess I do need to iron that now.
Love your finish, can't go wrong with Ohio of course.
Love you, Mom
Thankyou so much Heidi for your sweet comment on the Christmas bag. When are you coming for it lol.
I love your birdie sampler I am just about to start another prim ornie , take care sweetie as for the ironing I like it -when it is finished!
O I am sorry, so I am the reason you had to sneak out to IKEA??? Bet you didn't mind though.
This stitchery never got a chance to become an UFO. I really love it!
What a quick finish and soooo pretty. Time for more ironing and stitching Heidi. The combination seems perfect for you.
groetjes from Vegas
I've just got back from a weekend away and was delighted to hear I'd won your giveaway... I emailed you before I had my tea!
Your sampler is gorgeous - really pretty. Personally I hate ironing and will do anything to avoid it - including buying clothes that won't need ironing if I can help it! But maybe it would be bearable if I did it your way!!!
I love ironing--clothes smell so good and feel so crisp!!
Wow what a productive day! Good for you!
Very cute Heidi and don't you love a quick finish! I hate ironing - usually I will put a good movie on while I do a big batch of DH's shirts every 2 weeks or so. I hate spending so much at the dry-cleaners and I remind my husband of the money I am saving if he comments on my stash-spending LOL. I have been trying to work on With My Needle this week again - the skirt on the lady is taking a long time. This sampler is a lot more stitching than I originally thought! I will post an update soon I hope. hugs.....
Goodmorning Heidi, this is my first visit via Elizabthb and i loved looking at your beautiful work.Tht is just delightful.Thank you for sharing. Carole
I like to iron too. People think I'm odd for that. I've had tonsillitis this week so yesterday I ironed a little and took a break to stitch a little. I'm looking forward to seeing your Ohio wall in your new home. I really like the Good Morning pillow too. Course it's in my favorite colors.
Add me to the list of people who don't like ironing! Actually, I don't mind it so much, but have an inferiority complex about it, since it seems like everybody here automatically irons everything. My mother is more of a wash and wear type of gal, and I take after her! ;) Love the sampler--too cute!
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