In May, I had set myself a challenge within my UFO challenge year. I know my handwork achievements will slow down drastically now that we are getting the keys to our new house in two weeks. I decided to try and accomplish 6 UFOs from mid May to mid September with a surprise giveaway win going along with each finish. It has been fun to watch old projects finally getting finished and also spreading some thankfulness for you, my blog readers, through my fobs and needlebooks.

Now I had a list of some UFOs that I really wanted done and all but one of them is now finished as of today. I am just thrilled about having met my goals with some to spare. No I did not finish that last one on my list but I did finish many other extras that were not on my list. I sat down and went through what I did finish and...well...can you see me smile??? More about the details in a moment.

Way back long ago...yep that is a long time. *wink* Annemarie had finished stitching a fabulous
Moira Blackburn chart and decided to
set up the Lovelorn Sisters. I had to sign up immediately because this was created from a child's song that I always sing to make my mother laugh. Later,
Annemarie laughed when she found out it was a child's song while she thought it was just a verse on a sampler.

Nope! We Lovelorn children do really go sing about eating worms in the garden. *grins*

Now don't ask me why this became a UFO! I adore this design and have no idea. I just left it sit. I had every intention on finish it right away thus the date is wrong. So mine is the starting date. *wink*
I knew when I got the chart in the mail from Annemarie that I would use this to make a tray doily. I sewed strips of fabric to make the doily fit just right inside the tray. Now I can eat something other than worms in the garden since I have something to carry out cups of tea and cookies.

This project needed a summer fob. This fob has a tiny dragonfly and rose on it which you can see if you enlarge the photo. I went back to the
previous post since it was fun to read your comments about ironing. I used the random number generator and the winner is...
Congratulations Deborah! Please email me with your address.

Last December, when I decided to challenge myself in 2010 to finish as many UFOs as I can,
Saskia and
Joke said they wanted to do it too and have a set challenge. We each set a personal goal. Whoever won got treated to a High Tea by the other two.
I set a goal for six UFOs but ended up finishing 12. I have also started and finished 10 projects so far this year.

Off we went for our High Tea a couple of weeks ago. I just love spending time with Saskia and Joke (who are mother and daughter) which is always filled with much laughter.

And well...the food was pretty good too. *grins*

I also sent a gift to a blogging friend.
Marsha is such a warm and giving person and I really wanted to do something back for her. She sends me DMC thread simply because she says she knows how expensive it is here. When I talked once about never having had an advent calender, she went out searching for one even though the holidays were over and sent me one. I am still anxiously awaiting this coming December when I can use the advent calender.

She won one of my surprise giveaway fobs so I decided to take advantage of it to send her gift. I got her a pair of scissor and made a wool felt holder for them. I sent her some of Nina's hand dyed threads and a LHN/CC kit. Then I made her a project bag to hold one of her stitching projects. After all, we stitcher's need to be organized, right?

So am I stopping with my UFOs? No way! I still hope to finish another 2 or 3 before the year is over even with our pending move. Can you keep your fingers crossed for me? It makes for difficult stitching if I cross them myself.
That tray is so sweet, Heidi!
You have accomplished such a lot this summer - you're inspiring.
So many lovely things Heidi!
first off, What a lovely thought and a great gift for Marsha :-)
I Love High Tea and yours looks scrummie!
And congratulations on finishing so many UFO's, i love the way you have finished this one into a tray cloth.
Good luck with the move, it's very exciting getting key to a new place isn't it!
Have a great week. x
What a lovely 'worm garden' finish. Congratulations! Who's the next lovelorn sister?
The high tea looks so delicious. It must have been sooo 'gezellig'.
Lovely gifts for your friend Marsha.
groetjes van Margaret
Love your ex-UFO!! But ... all the photos of the high-tea pfffff, mouthwatering!! Have fun getting the other UFO's finished!! thanks for your lovely comment!! Have a happy sewing day, hugs, Daniƫlle
First, thanks for the fob. It's beautiful! I love the worm tray. There is nothing like high tea. My friend cheryl and i went to tea afew weeks ago.
I used to sing that song! Who would have dreamed someone would make a sampler out of such a silly saying?!
Great work on it - well, on everything you've been making. Your finishing is beautiful!
Hi Heidi, You have done really well to finish your UFO's with all that is going on in your life at present. I know that song of old and remember singing it to my children. It looks lovely made into a tray doily.
Hope all goes smoothly in the next two weeks for you and please, please do not overdo it.
Love, Hugs and Crosses,
Hazel (UK)
So, I guess you take the little stitching out of the tray when you carry the coffee and cookies on it, right? or did you cover it up with something plastic? You worked so hard on all your UFO's, you where an inspiration to me. And the high tea was so deserved!
Knuffels and see you soon
Wat een heerlijkheden voor de High Tea, jullie zullen daar vast van gesmuld hebben.
Wat heb je veel afgemaakt deze maanden. Je borduurtje is weer een schatje !
Groetjes Anita.
Heidi, you've done amazingly well with your WIP/UFO project. I'm so happy for you! Your finishes are always so beautiful.
Congratulations on becoming a homeowner! It's a lot of work but fun too.
The food pics are scrumptious....yum!
When I'm reading about how much you get done, it's an inspiration to get something finished myself: the result is every time so nice!
good luck with everything
Love that tray - it's too cute!
What a great surprise for Marsha - you are very generous!
Congratulations on finishing another UFO, Your worm sampler is such fun!
Your High Tea looks delightful.
lovely finish - good luck for your goal. I'm hoping to finish a few projects this year too...
And your high tea looks fantatsic. I may have to book myslef on the next ferry to Amsterdam...
Oh don't worry, you won't need your fingers crossed. You will get done what you set out to do, no problem.
I love your newest finish. It came out so cute to just fit the tray.
Hope you had fun at the cottage
Mitch's family is here now for a cookout, and tomorrow we are going to
Tombstone. I love that town.
Hope Jos had a great birthday.
Love you, Mom
Congratulations on finishing up all those UFO's The tray cloth is very cute. Do you cover it with glass or anything to protect it? What a lovely surprise for Marsha. You are so sweet and creative. The high tea look so good and food tastes better with good friends!
I love the tray and the stitching makes it so pretty. What good work getting all those UFO's completed. I should be so diligent.
High Tea is special. I don't normally like chocolate but those desserts looked soooo delicious.
Good luck with your move. Makes me tired thinking about it. Thank you for the kind words.
Heidi, I LOVE the idea of a tray doily!!! And now that I have a home of my own, that is an idea that I will copy from you (as long as you don't mind).
Congratulations on another UFO! You are really flying! When you get the keys in two weeks, I guess we better plan our sewing day after moving? Or not? I don't mind coming up to you either on a Tuesday or Thursday...
I have always loved this design and since my daughter tried this once we always quoted this.
Lovely finish Heidi and the items you sent your friend are just so nice too.
oOH scrummy tea there which cake to choose.
So many finishes look forward to the next ones lol.
Hugs as always
Woohoo, Heidi! What a great post! Congratulations on finishing so many UFOs. I love the Moira Blackburn design, as you know, and it's just perfect finished as a tray. You're so clever! Enjoyed seeing the high tea pictures, too. :D
OMG the tray is just fabulous!!! But most of all that pattern is just too cute. I'm somewhere on the Lovelorn sisters list and can't wait until it is my turn.
I am totally in love with your finishing on this!
Love the tray with that cute verse from a child's song! Way to go finishing so many UFO's! It feels so good!
Congrats on a lovely finish. The piece is cute and the way you've set it in a tray is awesome!
I'll admit I've never heard that rhyme before.
High Tea looks scrumptious.
It's so inspiring to see how many UFOs you have already finished. I hope the finishing bug will be with me one day as well, lol.
This little tray looks wonderful. I love Moira Blackburn's pieces.
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