"Buttons and patches and the cold wind blowing,
The days pass quickly when I am sewing"
~Author Unknown

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Christmas fun!

Yesterday evening our annual Christmas party was here for my quilt group. There seemed to be more excitement this year as we had Secret Sisters. We were all anxious to find out who our Secret Sister was when we got our handmade gift from her.

I had Bep as my Secret Sister. She loves batik fabrics so I bought them especially for her. What I had left after I made her gift, I folded up and wrapped with a ribbon for her to keep.

I sewed a folded bag for her to keep her thread and scissors together as she quilts and inside...

A large wooden spool wrapped with a crazy quilt pincushion pad...

which holds a pair of scissors with a beaded fob to make the pincushion and bag.


Enjoy a slideshow of all the members with the gifts they received. As you can see on their faces, everyone really enjoyed their gifts and rightly so. There were many beautiful things made. You can click on the slideshow to see the photos larger. We had a wonderful meal and I had fun creating games and giving out many gifts. It hardly seems possible that another quilt year is already coming to an end.....


Hazel said...

Lovely gift! I enjoyed your slide show but where were you??

Anonymous said...

Sweet gift for your friend; always wonderful to celebrate holidays with them isn't it?

Ginny said...

It looks like everyone had a great time! And as Hazel asked, where is a picture of you?

Christine said...

It looks as though everyone had a wonderful time.
The gift you made for your "Secret Sister" is beautiful

Brigitte said...

The bag you made as your gift is beautiful. Great fabrics and colours. And a nice little gift inside. Your get-together must have been very special.

Elly said...

Het was weer een fantastische avond en ik ben door mijn Secret Sister ontzettend verwend. Leuk om nog eens te zien wat iedereen gekregen heeft. Staat er van jou geen foto bij? Wat had je ook al weer gekregen?
Groetjes en hugs

onlymehere said...

Heidi: I love what your group of quilting friends do for each other! So many nice gifts. Your's was very creative too. I hope you have a wonderful holiday season!

Jantine said...

You made Bep a lovely gift!

Susan in SC said...

What a wonderful party you all must have had! You have some talented ladies in your group to make such beautiful things!

Saskia said...

Je bent druk bezig geweest voor je Secret Sister. En zo passend bij Bep, maar ook zo duidelijk gemaakt door jou. En dat alles onder mijn neus, zonder dat ik nu echt als een echte watson goed speurwerk heb gedaan..
Het was weer een hele happening, en inderdaad is er alweer een jaar voorbij.
Spreek je snel weer

Carolien said...

renuHi Heidi,

Je cadeaus voor Bep zijn prachtig en leuk om de avond terug te zien in foto's.
Dank je wel voor de leuke avond en wat een fantastisch stel mensen is het toch bij elkaar. Zo leuk om al die prachtige creaties te zien ook! Ik krijg helemaal de handwerkkriebels en hoop maar dat ik veel tijd krijg het komend jaar :)

Hugs en groetjes en een fijn weekend, Carolien

barbara said...

What utter brilliance the wooden spool with the quilted cushion is!!!

Nancy said...

Well, once again, you had a fun Christmas party for the group. They are so much fun when you all get together. They look like they all got nice gifts.
Love the gift you made for Bep. Another year gone by now time to work on next years theme.
Love you, Mom

Pondside said...

What a lot of lovely things! I have to say, too, that I enjoyed the music that came up as I read.

hazel c UK said...

You all look as thou you were having lots of fun, the gifts were beautiful I especially loved the pin cushion you made. Hope you have a lovely Christmas in your new home or will you be a Cranberry Cottage in the woods.

Take care Heidi.
Love Hazel C (UK)

Anonymous said...

Heidi, the wooden spool with crazy patch intrigues me especially since crazy quilts are so fun for me to stitch. Hope you have a blessed Christmas in your new home. Know you have it decorated beautifully. Small trees are good for me, too. Our grandson Jimmy visited last and he decorated my 4-5 foot tree in a typical "Jimmy" fashion. He has finished law school and now has two months of bar preparation ahead - we are so very proud of him. M-e-r-r-y C-h-r-i-s-t-m-a-s!!! Rowena in Texas.

angelasweby said...

What wonderful Secret Sister gifts you made for Bep, Heidi. I bet her face lit up when she saw them. I love the cotton reel and scissors and the bag is absolutely gorgeous. It sounds like a wonderful Christmas party :>)
Angela xx

Dutchquiltster said...

Het was weer een supergezellige avond Heidi,dank je wel voor alles.Maar ik miste toch de foto van jou met de kerstmuts.Waarom staat die er niet bij????De kleine augurk heb ik in de kerstboom gehangen,good luck????
Groetjes Joke.