It is autumn so that means wrapping up to keep warm as a chill enters the air. I had been wanting to make
Martha Stewart's Freedom Poncho and decided I wanted to have it to wear now. I found this wonderful chunky yarn in a shop and it was perfect for it. I used
this pattern link which I cannot seem to get to work today but want to share in as I think the site is being serviced. This poncho has a large fan trim and a roll neck.

I had 600 grams of the yarn and thought it was going to be enough. I ended up having to hunt for more of it which is not a problem since all the dye lots work together with this variegated yarn. So I went to 4 shops and one had one skein while the others had none. One of the girls called another shop for me but it just seemed to be all sold out. Jos suggested we look in the opposite direction of the middle of little Holland as they might have it in a different area. He was right! They put aside 3 more for me and Jos ran me over to get it last Saturday. I ended up needing 850 grams to complete the poncho.
I also ended up with 150 grams left over. So what to do? I did not want to put it in the already growing basket of scrap yarn. I had also been wanting to crochet my own project basket and here it is......

I looked up patterns online and tried two to no avail. I couldn't make either work well as my bottom waved higher than the North Sea in a storm. *wink* So after 7 attempts, I decided I would try one more time doing a bit of this and a bit of that to see if I could get it to work. It did! I have no idea exactly what I did so I can not make it again but I have my project basket...

I did not quite have enough yarn to get the height I want so I grabbed some solid grey yarn from my stash (yes, I now have yarn and changed my series of single crochet to one row of single and then a row of double crochets. I did this three times and did a last row of single crochet and a fan stitch on the last row to give it a nice edge to turn over. I left the row up on the last photo so you can see the fan stitch better. And look inside...

I already have a new project inside the basket. *grins*
Sorry I have been away for a while. Last week, I kept very busy and then had my scan at the hospital for my eyes. I was convince when my eyes stayed low pain and calm for 2 weeks and 5 days that maybe the disease was not active any longer. But it is awake and calling my name since yesterday. *sigh* Back on medication again but bearing up okay. I see the eye specialist in the beginning of November so will hear more then. In the meantime, the thyroid doctor is thinking he wants an immunologist to look at me. He had been sick over the summer when I should had seen him and only just learned about this development.
I also ended up Monday starting to feel unwell. By the evening, I had a bear of a soar throat. I also had terrible shakes and pain all over. Flu? No...just a bad fibromyalgia flare up due to having a viral bacteria in my throat. All well now and my FM is back to its normal pain levels. I am looking forward to doing lots of handwork over the weekend now.
Happy weekend!
What a lovely poncho! And a beautiful basket you made of the leftover yarn!
(maybe you also could use it as a hat...... ;) .....!)
I hope your eyes will be getting better......!
Love, Ria.
I was on Skype with you when you were having lots of trouble with the basket. I told you to try your own way and stop reading the pattern that probably wasn't written right. When you did that, it worked and came out really well. Glad to see you are already making use of it. Very nice.
The poncho is great and also I heard the saga of trying to find the yarn. haha. Hope it keeps you warm now.
I know all about yarn stashes. I sure have mine. The vest I am knitting after also re writing the pattern my own way is going well.
One more front to make.
I saw some fingerless gloves in a magazine made of scrap yarn and boy were they cute. I have tons of scrap yarn.
Ok, gabbed enough, have fun at the cottage. Rest and craft and have fun.
Love you, Mom
Good to see you back, but not so good to hear about the health challenges that you've been facing in the last few days.
Well done with poncho and basket!
Your poncho and basket are lovely Heidi and glad you managed to get the yarn you wanted.
Prayers being said to hope all well go well for your eyes and other health issues.
Hazel C (UK)
Hi Heidi...I'd been wondering how your eyes had been doing. Lately I've been getting a few jolts of quick pain into my eyeballs but it subsides quickly. I keep saying if it keeps up I best get in to see the doc but I just had an eye exam 6 months ago.
Your poncho is lovely as well as that sweet basket! Great use for leftovers!
I've been having an urge to get back to crochet just so I can make myself a granny squares pillow cover. I'd have to have a refresher course!
Lovely and snug looking poncho Heidi. So sorry to hear you have not been feeling so bright but glad you are feeling slightly better sweetie. Take care
Thanks for sharing pictures of your projects. They look great! I had to laugh at your description of that basket bottom waving higher than the north sea. I don't know what I could compare that to here on the Great Plains, maybe the red rock buttes that stick up out of the fields? ha I sure hope you will be feeling better, and have a good appointment here soon to check things out. Meanwhile I hope you enjoy your projects!
Dear Heidi,
The poncho is very pretty and I had to laugh to myself....after I had seen Martha Stewerts I thought I would like to try one myself....but cross-stitching Amish samplers seems to be the project of the moment...grins....however seeing your project basket has me has been a few months since I have held a crochet needle....and I can always use another basket right?????? Anyway I hope everything stays under control with your health...I think of you every day my friend...Hugs from CA. I hope you have a fun weekend working on the projects that you love so much.
What beautiful projects!! So warm and comfy - I could use that poncho this weekend as we are to get our first snow of the season --- wait, that season hasn't started yet, but snow is comin'!
Continued thoughts and prayers to you on your health...
Please keep us informed on how you are doing. You will be in my prayers. Many blessings....
What a gorgeous poncho! And that basket is so cute.
I hope that your eyes improve soon.
I really love the project basket! The poncho is lovely ,as well. I will say some prayers regarding your eye doctor appointment.
Can you point me in the direction of that basket pattern? I tried a small basket years ago and like your experience, it was a flop. But I'd like to try again.
I'm glad you are keeping busy, despite all your health challenges. I'm having a bad fibro day, and now feel that fluish feeling, and like I'm getting a cold. Who knows what morning will bring.
I was wandering how you were doing, your blog went awfully quiet. Lucky you with a husband who doesn't mind running errands for you. Love the poncho.
When the basket is empty you might even use it as a head ;-)
Gorgeous poncho, they seem to be quite fashionable again this autumn
Love your newest finishes! Great basket. I do hope you feel better soon. xx
Your poncho turned out great. You had to hunt for the yarn, but it paid itself back in a great poncho. I always find that crocheting takes lots and lots more yarn than knitting.
Love the basket. It's nice that you can keep doing the things you love (from time to time) despite the pain and your bad eyes.
They both look great,love the basket! Greetings
I remember the poncho that Martha wore when she left prison. One of the inmates made it for her and Martha graciously wore it and gave her friend recognition for such a nice parting gift. I think Lion Brand yarn then came out with a pattern Yours is lovely and looks nice and warm on a chilly day.
What a lovely poncho and project basket. Your perseverance paid off. I love what I can see of your new project too. :)
Will be keeping you in my prayers.
Your poncho and basket are beautiful ! I hope the poncho 'll kep you warm during these bad times and hope too that they'll be as short as possible ! Amitiés !
Heidi, you are a genius! An artist! I'm just wowed by your amazing bowl. And don't even get me started on ponchos. I would live in one, if it didn't look like a tent on me. ;)
So sorry to hear that you've had more health issues to contend with. You're an inspiration.
A wonderful poncho and project basket.
Hope you're feeling better now.
Heidi - I had thought I left a comment here but maybe just in my head. I love your poncho and the basket! How do you keep Dagi out of the basket? I know he must think you made it for him!
Your poncho is great and how clever of you to come up with your own basket pattern. It is one of a kind! Sorry you have been having so many health issues. Hope you get to feeling better and have good reports from your doctors.
Wat een leuke poncho heb je gemaakt, lang geleden waren poncho's ook in de mode. Het idee van een mand is ook erg leuk, maar waar is de plaid die je voor Jos zou maken???
Ik hoor het vanavond wel!!!
Liefs en hugies, Bep.
Oh Heidi, I'm so sorry that yet another medical condition has you feeling poorly. I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia a couple of months ago and so to some extent I understand where you're coming from. Take care of yourself and hopefully your eyes will settle into remission again soon too.
I knew that your sister had died violently but I had no idea it was that way. Of course this would be unsettling to you. My brother died by drowning and my little sister by being run over by a tractor so any time I hear of accidents like that it brings it all back. I'm so sorry that I brought that pain back to you and your mom. I kept telling Jake that I just wanted a picture of them posing and he couldn't quite grasp why it bothered me and that's why I posted that. I guess he doesn't have a base of knowledge like we have of loved ones going through that. He really is a great kid.
Kaje' had her postop today. She's doing quite well and will now go two weeks without the splint and then it's on to physical therapy....maybe, depending on how she does. The doctor is taking everything slow with her so that hopefully it won't come back again.
Take care of yourself and try to keep warm!
I'm sorry to hear that you've been so unwell, Heidi. :( Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way.
Your poncho and basket are both wonderful! You should join Pinterest--you'd be soooo inspired by all the crochet and knitting lovelies that are posted.
Absolutely love the poncho! I hope that your eyes are getting better now. I'm off to check out the poncho pattern, and hoping that it is crocheted as I can not knit :( (missed that class in Germany when I was little as we left for the states).
Enjoy your day!
great poncho en basket.
love your blog,
greetings Judith
Hi! Greetings from Finland! Your crafts are so fantastic! It's so nice to find other quilters all around the world! :)
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