Why the last? Because I completed my SAL of Peppermint Twist with
Saskia. I had been trying to decide how to finish this project as I could not find a frame I like for it in the right size. I had these little trays waiting for a project I had in mind but it worked perfectly for my stitching...

...so I edged the stitching in some pretty ribbon that I bought last autumn and added a few green buttons in the corners before lining the bottom of the wooden tray with my stitched piece.

The last portion of our SAL added that final touch and now I am ready for Christmas. *grins*

I found a really sweet (pun intended) child's rhyme online that seems to sum up this project...
"Oh, I took a lick of my peppermint stick,
and I thought it tasted yummy.
It used to be on my Christmas tree,
but I like it better in my tummy."

Tonight I had to make a Christmas fob to give away for this finish. I wanted this one to have the look of a peppermint stick. I went back to
my previous entry about my SAL with Saskia. The random number generator picked
Congratulations Linda! I am pretty sure I still have you in my address book but please email me just in case.

I am off now to pick another UFO to work on. I would love to have another finish in the coming weeks because I am also having fun playing elf and give you gifts when I finish something.
I cleaned out my large harvest basket thinking I had far too many UFOs in it. To my great surprise, I found there were only three UFOs and a great deal of stash that needed clearing out and putting away. These are not my only UFOs if I am honest but at least that basket was not as bad as I thought.
I can honestly tell you I have no idea how many projects I have started and left aside to be neglected. It is not a pretty picture although this summer has really helped clear some of them out. Please tell me that you also have drawers, baskets, bags or perhaps even suitcases full of those unfinished projects????? Please tell me that you also cringe at the rare creature of a one project at a time girl????? *wink*
One project at a time?? Never...life just doesnt work that way!
Another lovely finish Heidi, and in such an origional way too :-)
i think we all have some WIP's lurking in a basket/drawer somewhere. I have just picked up something i started ages ago and i think beside that i have perhaps 3 others, not too many i suppose, i can see 1 of those never getting finished though!
have a great week :-)
Wonderful finish and such a nice way to display !
What a lovely project and so pretty how you have displayed it! Would you mind explaining how you attached it to the bottom of the tray?
I love how you have finished Peppermint Twist Heidi and it will be so useful at Christmas, any ideas what you will put in it, if it was mine I would have to leave it empty to see the pretty design. Well done to Linda for being the lucky lady to win one of your lovely fobs.
Look forward now to seeing Saskia finished as well.
Hugs and crosses,
Hazel (UK)
That is a beauty! Now I must rush to Saskia's blog and see what she did with here PT.
I think I don' t want to know how many UFO's I have. ..
Your Peppermint Twist looks really lovely and the little poem is perfect. Well done too for continuing to reduce your WIP's. Projects are so much nicer on display than in baskets :>)
Angela xx
I love the tray and the added ribbon! A great finish.
Absolutely gorgeous Heidi.
I have so many boxes of stash and UFOs that it's embarassing. But at least I know I'm not alone!!!
Such a cute finish! I love the idea of a tray and love the ribbon/button details.
Heidi....I jumped for joy seeing I won one of your darling fobs...I love Christmas and this one is very sweet as is your finish. I love the way you put it in the tray and the ribbon and buttons are just a perfect touch.
I don't have too many WIP's but I have lots of charts even if I don't get to them all I enjoy looking at them and thinking I'll get to you...promise.
I'll get my address to you....again thank you for the sweet win...hugs, Linda
I'm a pretty new stitcher so not a lot of WIPs here. Just 2 actually. I'm looking forward to having a lot in rotation!
I love the way you've finished this project. Just beautiful!
Love the cute poem. I was talking to you when the light bulb went off about the tray. LOL It sure came out nicely.
Bet Linda will be happy with the fob too.
Have fun with Saskia and Joke tomorrow.
Love you, Mom
I used to be a one-at-a-timer, sadly I now have about 6 things going.
Your finish is fantastic! Love the tray. And congrats to Linda!
I would be afraid to actually find out how many WIP's that are hanging out in my baskets/bags/boxes. Although, it would be like a treasure hunt, too, as I would find lots of pretty things.
Oh I love how you finished this! It is so "sweet"!!!
It turned out just beautiful...what a creative way to finish this piece. Congrats on your finish. Dianntha
Oh honey, do I have UFO's tucked away! I have taken classes and was so enthusiastic when I started only to put them aside for another pretty face. Your Peppermint Twist is so cute with the ribbon and button. Love the whole tray finish and of course the lovely fob!
I really like how you've finished your Peppermint Twist! The tray idea is great, and the added ribbon sets it off well. Great job!
This is sooooo pretty Heidi!!! What's the size of that pattern I have a little tray lying around somewhere and I guess it would fit perfectly.
A basket full of project. Yes I do... a drawer full of UFO's too and... some plastic tubs as well ;-). I think you are very brave, finishing all those UFO's, that must feel very satisfactory!
The tray is a great idea and I love the rhyme!
Wat is je kerstborduurtje leuk geworden ! Heel leuk zo in het dienblaadje, dan kan je er de hele Kerst op tafel naar kijken.
Groetjes Anita.
very very beautiful work !
ciao Pat
I just love the way you finished this project. It's a great idea!
I cleared September to look at all my UFO's... that means to look through everything you named: drawers, baskets, bags. I think they are all over my room.
I think you finished it absolutely lovely Heidi. What a great idea. And just one project at a time...... I'm afraid I gave up on that a long time ago:).
Wat leuk Heidi, dat lint erlangs met die knopen. Heeol origineel maar het dienblad kun je nu natuurlijk niet gebruiken. Je hebt dus minder UFO's dan je dacht, zijn dat de borduur UFO's en de Quilt Ufo's samen? Heb je mijn email vorige week nog gekregen?
Groetjes en hugs
Hello Heidi, I am like the white rabbit today arent I, looking at the time and saying I am late I am late, 25comments before me,it will never do!!!
Oh well done on the Twist, it looks perfect sitting in your tray awaiting the season.
Did you see the fairy slippers I took a picture of just for you on my blog.
We cannot stop happy dancing now ,we have just got into the rythm (sp) .
Hope you are ok , seems as it you are having a real good time with your ufo basket. I just seem to have wips now ,just a few!!!
Take care sweetie
What a wonderful way to finish up your SAL. It looks gorgeous in that tray. WIP's lurking - far too many! But isn't that how it's supposed to be?
This finish looks gorgeous in the tray. Great finishing.
My WIPs are lurking everywhere, and I have stitching WIPs, quilting WIPs and a couple of books that I started but haven't finished yet (if books count as WIPs, lol).
I have quite a few of them myself but not all of them are sewing, lol! I've been wanting to get some painting done (the house interior) but just haven't had the time or $$ to get it done. Seems there's always something in my life that keeps me from it, that and the fact that I hate to paint but I love the finished project! Love how this turned out and how clever of you to use a tray!
Fantastic finishing! Love it. I can't do one at a time. I find it too boring. My mother does that and I just shake my head. Also, if it makes you feel better-I have a box of UFO's...
Another wonderful finish! With the ribbon and button it fits perfectly in the tray. I love it!
I don't think I have ever just had one project at a time to work on in all my years of stitching!!! At last count, there are about 18-19 projects that have actually been started and that many more kitted up!! So, no, you are not alone!!
Heidi, that is so very pretty - isn't it nice to have a taste of Christmas this early - then put it away and bring it out, complete, in early December?
And in real so much prettier! I love your creative mind!
And I DO have UFO's but thank God not a suitcase full of them...
So now that we have finished PT, when do we start our next? next Wednesday?
I had so much fun today, will blog about it later. Got power, not that much so I have to type fast;-)
It's beautiful,and so bright and colorful! And I love the way your piece looks in that tray.I think I might have to add that one to my wishlist! Great job!
Oh my Heidi, this turned out perfectly wonderful! I adore the trim and buttons border.
What an adorable piece and I loooove the finishing. I have just the perfect little wooden tray waiting for a piece like this and yes - just the perfect little Christmas sampler to stitch for it. 2011 here I come!!
Congrats to Linda on her pretty win.
Got your email today and will write you a newsy email tomorrow after getting home from Stitchers Paradise.
groetjes, Margaret
Oh Heidi, what a gorgeous way to finish this sweet design! It's absolutely perfect, and you once again amaze me with your skills!!
Gorgeous finish! The ribbon and buttons are the perfect touch.
Back in the dark ages I used to be a OAAT. Then I found the "true" path LOL! Currently 10+ WIPs.
How beautiful! Putting it into that tray was a perfect idea.
I have more half finished pieces than I dare to think about, some of them are now rather old...
BEAUTIFUL finish, Heidi--it's a real Christmas treat! I do often work on 2-3 projects at a time--I like to have a beading, sewing, knitting or other projects all on the go, and take them up as my mood allows. :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
Heidi, your Peppermint Twist is wonderful! I love the tray for a finish. I am going to have to use that idea!!!!! As for UFO's...... yes I have some too. Most of them I know I will finish because I love them and I will eventually pick up them up again....however there are at least two that may get "binned". But sometimes a project just jumps out at me and before I know it I am pulling the threads, finding the linen, cutting squares, and taking that first stitch!!!! Oh the joy of starting a new project....and the wonderful feeling of happy dancing when you finish one. I have been very busy finishing a special pinkeep this week, I should be happy dancing soon! Hugs from CA.
Super finish!!! Euhh cross stitch WIPs or quilting WIPs hihi, lost count, telling myself time after time I do need to stick to them instead of starting a new one, but well, decided that enjoying is the best part of life!! Lots of fun finishing the next!! Hugs, Daniëlle
One project at a time? Yikes! What's up with that?! LOL I would love to have the patience/discipline/insanity to only buy what I need for the next project I'm ready to start but I've never been able to do that. Not with books, not with stitching, not with quilting, not with scrapbooking. I figure creativity is a harmless vice, though!
Congratulations on your Peppermint Twist finish! I love the idea to use it in a tray--how clever! Your Eliza Jane and Pumpkin Fields are fabulous, too. You sure have had a productive summer!
Your Christmas tray is so sweet! I bet you put those peppermint sticks in/on it, somewhere near the Christmas tree? It is really sweet, this finish. Oh yes, another finish! Hats off, deep bow.
Congrats to the winner of the fob!
I will try to contact you tomorrow to set a new playdate, if that's okay with you.
Bye & hugs, Carolien
really like this - what a great idea.
Peppermint Twist turned out really really nice. Your finishing was a great idea. the ribbon and buttons set it off just right.
I have quite a few starts, especially from classes. I figure they'll be all set for me when I retire and can't afford fantastic projects anymore. (that's what I tell myself anyway)
Love the finish and the use of the tray; it's perfect! The ribbon and buttons add such a nice touch. As for UFOs and WIPs: yes, I have them. But there once was a time when I worked on only one project at a time, and I was actually much more productive than I am today. In fact, all of my "completed" projects were one-at-a-time projects. Hmmmm.
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