When I told you I was back in blogland, I had not intended on not posting for so long. I have been extremely busy...some things I can show you which I will in my next post and others which I cannot as I am still busy with a gift for my Secret Sister in my quilt group. In the meantime, I just had to share my fun day today...

When two of my quilt friends and I went to a quilt show in France this past September, we bought an adorable stitching pattern together to use for a SAL. It had to wait until my move to the new house was behind us but had decided to invite them both here for a SAL Christmas tea.
I set the table early this morning including a little table gift for them. The heart ornaments at each place were for them to take home.

Our menu included:
Cranberry tea
Sauerkraut-sausage rolls
Christmas toasts with pesto and parma ham
Dutch egg ramekins
Russian teacakes
Blueberry crumble
Lemon kwark ice
Dark chocolate peanut clusters
Mandarin oranges

It is fun to plan a menu and create a tea for friends.

In my studio, there were more gifts. I gave them a Santa door hanger.

Saskia and I got down to work although at times we could not see to stitch while we were laughing so very much. I just love these ladies! We never fail to have great fun together.

This is the pattern we bought at the market of the quilt show. There were many wonderful designers there but this is one we simply could not resist!
And here is our start to the SAL. We will get together again at the end of January for the next pillow to be started. I am exhausted and feeling pain from having done so much but it is a good feeling to have been able to treat some friends to a fun day.

I am looking forward to sharing more projects with you this weekend. I am back to full speed stitching again and it is wonderful to have a needle and thread to hand again!
Can I come for tea Heidi lol!!!! What a beautiful project I can't wait to see it finished. Marie x
Oooh can I come too please?? Wow! What an amazing spread. You have outdone yourself girl. Well done. x
What a wonderful day! i wish that I lived nearer. The food lookes wonderful and thae table was beautifully set. Not to mention, the project will be lovely. Glad that you are back.
Make way for me to Heidi and I remember Saskia, what a lovely table you have laid and the food looks delicious.
Love the look of the new project and wait eagerly for photos.
Hugs and Crosses,
Hazel C (UK)
Nice to see you back
Hi Heidi, you always set a lovely table. How fun for your friends.
What a great idea to get together for a SAL and I love what you all are making.
Enjoy the Season.
How sweet your table looks! Love your gifts too.
I just love your Blog and I'm going to be a follower of your Blog...I too have a blog and here is mine:
I do counted cross stitch, Quilting, and I love to read too.
Take care & Happy Stitching/Quilting
Hugs :) from Cold Northern Indiana USA
Linda K, Railroad
Wonderful to hear from you again!
A lovely Christmas tea spread ... with a couple of friends ... perfect! Not to mention great stitching going on too :)
What a fun day all of you must have had. Your tea sounded so wonderful, and I love your SAL. I cannot wait to see it finished. Hugs from CA.
How lovely your tea party looks. Absolutely Divine.
-Samya :-)
So very glad you're back to doing what you love and what better way to do it than with friends!
You sure to know how to throw a fun party! All the food sounds and looks delicious!
What a wonderful tea party you held! The food must have been wonderful and the company even better. Just the kind of break you need in the rush of the holidays.
Your tea sounds lovely, with the exception of the sauerkraut-sausage rolls. :) How special to have good friends to share tea and stitching with.
Your Christmas tea looked and sounded wonderful.
I love your SAL project too.
What a yummy looking tea Heidi and soooo 'gezellig'. It must have been amazing to get together with your friends in your new home.
Het ziet er gezellig uit Heidi in je Quiltstudio.Lekker beppen,prutsen,lachen en eten,wat wil een mens nog meer.En ooooo,wat zien die deurhangers er leuk uit.Ik ben blij dat je weer een beetje tot rust gekomen bent.Zie je Woensdag.
Knuffel Joke.
What a lovely way to celebrate your return to stitching and get togethers with friends in your new house. Your teas always sound so inviting and look delicious.
It will be a real delight watching your SAL progress. Give my love to Bep and Saskia :>)
Angela xx
Hey, I see Saskia is wearing the poncho I made for her. Your tea looks yummy, especially the russian tea cakes. I know how much fun you have everytime you are together.
Love Mom
Such charming and elegant tables.
Such wonderful stitchery.
Season's greetings from New York.
it's already been two day's ago, and I MISS YOU!!
I had so much fun! not the part I had to laugh while I was eating a Russian tea cake, those two are not a good match together.. LOL
Yes, Nancy, You have an good eye, I was wearing the poncho, I wear it a lot, I love to wear it! But I have to guard it to.., because several lady's want to have a poncho too.
Back to working on my presents for next wednesday. See you over 3 nights...
Knuffels Saskia
You had much fun together, how nice!!!
I met Anita in church today (at the exhibition), she sang in a choir. See you on Wednesday (I just finished making my Christmas gift)!
Hugs, Carolien
Oh, what fun it must have been to have the first Christmas tea in your new home. And the chart you are stitching is really adorable.
I have packed my dancing shoes and will be with you in time for your next tea party lol.
All looked delightful Heidi, and now stitching again too ,just had to do the one two three hop dance as I finished my stocking .
Enjoy your celebrations in your new home with friends and family.
Dat ziet er heerlijk en gezellig uit. Fijn dat je eindelijk weer tijd en rust hebt om dit soort dingen te doen.
Hugs en groetjes en tot woensdag.
Your teas are the absolute BEST!!!
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