The flu is going around but leave it to me! I caught the startitis bug. Now I had just emailed a friend yesterday explaining to her that it is a fellow blogging friend of ours fault. Oh yes! It is very much her fault. She is so contagious that you can catch it just by reading her blog. Who, you ask? Well, this little devil sitting on my shoulder looks remarkably like
Annemarie in red tights. She keeps jabbing me with that awful pitchfork saying "Just start it Heidi!" no matter how often I try to say I have to finish all my WIPs first.

Now I have not neglected my plans for a few finishes by the end of the year. I am really close to finishing my Bethlehem Star quilt but have been slowed down by the quilting of this beautiful vintage heavy gold trim. I am quilting it onto the border by hand and have to keep putting it aside as it is hard on my hands. So when I need to give my hands a rest, I now will be stitching this.....

I received this chart some time ago from a very dear and long time online friend,
Joanne. She and I both share a passion for autumn and Christmas. Then when I received a surprise gift in the mail this past spring from
Linda, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. She sent me the beautiful shades of DMC thread and I decided right away that I wanted to make something with these threads to think of Linda by. She also sent me the adorable mother of pearl acorn thread keeper. Isn't it just beautiful?

This cute squirrel is the center of the design. He is holding an acorn. I am enjoying making this and it should not be a project that takes long. I will have this to add to my Quaker sampler wall I will be creating. It is a perfect design to use all those brown tints with.

Now I have not gone crazy (well maybe just a little) but wanted to show you how this fabric looks so I took a photo without the flash. It was not showing the pretty tea dye effect on the previous photos. It is not totally in focus so don't adjust your computer screens. *grins*
A special thanks again to Joanne and Linda for their gifts which are giving me autumn enjoyment.
The winner of my fabric giveaway was chosen by a random generator otherwise known as my mother. She called out a number and the winner is.....
.....Rhonda in OK. Congratulations to you Rhonda. Can you email me with your address so I can get this into the mail for you?
That new project is just too cute for words. I love the colors Linda sent you, they are so you. The design chart is really cute. You will have fun on this one. Now, is the Witches checker board finished?????
I hope the winner likes her fabric.
Love you, Mom
LOL. I'm glad you caught this instead of the flu! ;) Have fun, and keep showing those gorgeous photos!
Dang! Look what happens when I go a few days without reading your blog. I totally missed the fabric give away. Congratulations to the winner! It is beautiful fabric and looks great made into your "new " pillow. Only by sheer will power do I avoid the startitis bug! But I do have a lot of projects that are waiting for me to get the courage to try to finish them. I have a fear of trying to make cute quilted top pillows!
Wat laat je weer mooie dingen zien Heidi! En dan lapje met een EEKHOORN,je begrijpt als eekhoornfan...helemaal super!
Ook je kussen is mooi geworden,ik ben ook druk met alles afmaken,er ligt hier (te) veel....;-))
Heerlijk al die affo's hé?
Hope everything went OK today Heidi. Sending good vibes your way.
Love the beautiful colors of your quilt - so warm and comforting.
Such gorgeous gifts from your friends. One would almost think they know one another to harmonize pattern and floss like this.
Yes indeedy, our dear Annemarie really is bad for us isn't she? This afternoon I pulled out my next start and will show it soon.
Congrats to the fabric winner.
love, Margaret
Very cute pattern! I picked that Quaker up recently too. I will look forward to seeing yours develop.
Oy, Annemarie in red tights, now that is *not* a sight you want to see, believe me :o))
Don't be worried, Heidi, because I seem to have caught your disease called 'WIP-finishing'. Scary stuff!
Your new start is loveliness itself and so is your fantabulous quilt.
Hope you're okay, dear lady. Hugs to you and Jos and Dagi :o)
Congratulations to Rhonda! And what a lovely design!!
I think that bug is living in this house too LOL
good choice!!!
Your gifts were made for each other- just perfect.
And you can't finish something that you haven't started!
Hi Heidi, trying to get caught up in my blog reading. Love the pillow, very cute and in answer to your question a few entries back. I am decorated for fall and actually have a few Christmas things out!!!
Your sampler wall/corner looks great, congrats on finishing 12 ladies. Now where is Beatrix? Are you almost done with her??!!
Let me know when you are finished, I have a little pressie for you when she is done.
Take care -- Roberta
Wow, I really thought you had that dreadful flu, sooo glad you don't. Really, really love fall colors myself.
What wonderful projects you have going, very pretty indeed!
Oh no, now the startitis bug is hitting me! I love this Star of Bethlehem quilt that you've given us a peak of. I seem to have a weakness for stars in quilts. I so much wanted to sign up for the Baltic Sea star quilt they were teaching at our local fabric shop but had to pass due to time and not enough $$$. Someday I'll do it. Your quilt is beautiful and the new stitching you're doing is divine!
That startitis is certainly contagious! Your Quaker sampler is going to be lovely
I love the threads Heidi. I am new to your blog and have really enjoyed reading your posts. Ann, Australia.
How did I know you were going to say Annemarie?!? ;) Good for you for catching the bug... I love your new project. It's even more special because of the special people whose friendship went into your stitching of it.
I'll have to start wearing a mask when I sit at the computer if that bug is contagious! I have a couple of things that I MUST finish before I ever think about starting a new project!
Hi Heidi, that bug is sure catchie:, I have stashitis too.
What a sweet chart and the threads looks really nice with it too...I think a great pairing. I loved seeing your latest sampler finish and I do like the frame....your bedroom corner looks so inviting... I like the idea of the frame shelfs in your living room at TCC. It's really nice to change and feature a certain piece without worrying about nail holes.
I like the idea of finishing some WIP's by years end...I'm setting a goal of two for myself
Hi, Heidi! Isn't there just something about the Fall that makes us want to quilt and start new projects? I love all of yours. I'm so into Quakers right now that my WIPs look like I went to Ackworth School!! LOL Sending love and hugs,
Your Bethlehem Star Quilt is stunning! The added trim so unique!
Love your new start, right up my alley. Such great friends!! Glad you didn't catch the flu. I need to catch finishitis REAL soon!
Startitis is the only virus I love to get on a regular basis, lol.
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